Monday, February 27, 2012

Confessions of a Street Preacher

I  realize now that I was a lousy street preacher.  I would get out to Sparks Street and set up my signs and everything and then, when I would want to start preaching, such love would fill me that all I could do was tell the people how much God loved them. I quit counting how many times I sang "Amazing Grace" and "Jesus Loves You" to the lunch crowds.

I got into trouble with the organization I was with because I couldn't stay on topic.  I had a hard time with some of their material. After preaching the same sermon a few times I would get bored and the needs of the people would cause me to preach what they needed to hear.  The decisions they were facing, the word of healing for a diseased body part, the encouragement they needed to get through another day. As I asked Holy Spirit what to say he would give me stuff to help them.

Funny enough, the religious folks were never happy no matter what I preached or shared.  Everybody got mad when I told them that Jesus was the way, the truth and the life.  The new age people got really mad when I would give out destiny words for free. 

Yet, I never felt more alive than when I was out there.  If I could only preach what God wants me to preach and not have to worry about what others want or think, I think that would be pretty close to heaven on earth.

Yes there was tons of warfare. I saw many desert me because they misunderstood the warfare and got offended.  I saw many freak accidents around our farm as the warfare intensified..... the more people I was impacting the more exciting it got.  The devil tried.... but he didn't succeed. A few intercessors have stood by me faithfully and I got some valuable training.

I think I need a name change.... I am not a street preacher the way most people think of one. I am a ______  Preacher who loves to tell people that God loves them with an everlasting love and then demonstrate that love.

"Lord I ask that you would bless my precious friend. May they know your great love that won't leave them alone and may they hear your awesome voice today in new ways. Amen!"

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We are His Mercy Seats

 When I think of mercy seat I think of the Old Testament and the Arc of the Covenant.  The angels of God were seated on top of the mercy seat and that's where the presence of God was.
Interestingly enough after  Jesus died the veil that separated the holy place from the most holy place was rent and the presence of God left the temple.

Now as Christians we know that after we ask Jesus to come into our lives and be our Lord and Savior that we have a new presence inside of us.   We have literally become a living 'holy of holies'.  A miracle of regeneration has taken place to the point where our sin is not just covered like it was in the old testament but it's completely done away with as if it never happened. This allows his presence to flow through us as we walk in love.

I know this to be true because even as a baby believer God used me. I was so wet behind the ears that I didn't know anything about healing or deliverance protocol, yet God used me at work, at school and even on  buses to set people free.  The only condition was that I cared and prayed in tongues.  Holy Spirit always showed me what to say or do.  You can never go wrong asking the Lord to use you today.  It's the fastest way I know to a fulfilling life.  He will take you at your word and use you everywhere you go, as long as you stay available.

I have personally wondered at how people can remain sick around Christians and I asked the Lord how come this was happening.  His said one of the reasons was that Christians had not spoken words of healing or blessing out loud.  I have since made it my goal to ALWAYS pray out loud in every situation. It might get a bit inconvenient praying for people's needs at the stop light or in the grocery store, but that's all right.  I am working for the applause of Heaven--not people.

I do not want to quench any nudge that Holy Spirit gives.  I love it when I drive down a street and all of a sudden I know that someone has a kidney problem or a heart problem. I love to release his healing and miracle working power everywhere I go.  I love Holy Spirit's smile when  I claim everywhere I drive as a highway of Holiness.

I love walking into my church and even as I am setting up the video camera and computer the Joy of the Lord hits me.  I Love it when Holy Spirit shows me what he's going to do during the service. I love it when I get to call out words of knowledge and see all the people get healed.  I love how happy Holy Spirit is when the ministry team are praying for people.  I love to walk behind them and put prayer clothes on the people (if we're not too busy).  I love to see the shadows (demonic) leaving people.

I never dreamed that life could be so fulfilling.  The only thing I'd like more is to stay with him instead of coming back here.... but it's not yet time.  There's so much more to do.

I want to encourage you to ask the Lord to use you.  He wants to.  There is no life like it.  The joy he gives is better than any drug I ever tried (and I tried a bunch). Every little step of obedience brings delight to his heart and he is so encouraging.  I can't help but encourage others because He's given me so much.

Here's the latest song  I did about being his mercy seat.  Enjoy!

I Bless you right now. May you feel his love in a whole new way today.  May the fire and passion of his love burn bright in your heart and may you hear and know how pleased he is with you. Amen!

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

Saturday, February 11, 2012

3 Keys to Releasing the Rivers Inside of You

I was trying to make a video clip and I lost 2.5 hours worth of work but I remembered what the preacher taught! This is from Ezekiah Francis.  He is an apostle from India and he really loved the presence of God in our church, ( or "Kinburn Revival" on Facebook, Kinburn Revival on YouTube).

He said that there is nothing to wait for.  "Quit singing, "One day, one day..."  We have already gotten all we are going to get.   The main key is to release the power of the Holy Ghost inside of us.  We have all the creative power of the universe inside of us already." (ref. Col. 1:27).

I believe that.  God promised to meet all our needs according to his riches in glory (ref. Phil.4:19).  Thank God he didn't say Heaven.   We can get to the glory realm every time we worship, are thankful, by sowing and obeying.  Those are the four main doors that I have discovered thus far (another teaching for another day)

In his presence we should ask Holy Spirit what we are allowed to decree or call into being.  That's the time to speak all the prophesies that you have over your life.  That's the time to pull down the provision you are waiting on.  That's the time to obey whatever Holy Spirit says to do or say.

You might think I am crazy and that's okay, but God did that!  He waited till Holy Spirit was moving before he spoke things into being. (Gen. 1:1-3)  Even Jesus learned to wait upon Holy Spirit.  He himself said, I can only do what I see my Father in Heaven doing. (John 5:19)  Since he was on earth when he spoke this, he was relying on Holy Spirit to show him what was going on in Heaven much the same way we need to wait on Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is the only God agent on the earth.  He is our guide to walking in the spirit, too all things pertaining to life and godliness (ref. 2Pet. 1:3).

Ezekiah then mentioned 3 keys to releasing the rivers inside of us.

1. Expand your spirit.  Reading your bible will really help. He reads 10 chapters in his bible every day.    We read a lot of commentaries and how to books in the Western World but many of us have gotten away from reading our bibles (myself included).  We need to strengthen ourselves with His might in our spirits. (ref. Eph 3:16)

2. Guard your  heart.  Proverbs. 4:23 reads, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."  We (myself included) need to be careful what we are allowing into our ears and eyes-- our spiritual gates.

3. Listen!  One word from God can change your life.   Reading your bible will help you tune your spirit back to heaven's frequency.  According to Ezekiah, the very best way to grow in your listening ability is to pray in tongues, then ask for the interpretation.  Speak in tongues at least 1 hour  a day and ask for the interpretation every so often.

I started out as a baby christian singing in tongues and the song's were helping me so much that I blurted out, "What am I singing Holy Spirit?"  I immediately got the interpretation.  I really do believe we have not because we ask not (ref. James 4:2).

Ezekiah prays in tongues a minimum of 3 hours before every service to prepare for it.   He challenged us to pray in tongues for one hour a day, asking for the interpretation so we would grow.

As I was writing down these notes in my journal I got, "We will yet do greater things than these!"  Holy Spirit wants this for us.   

So I decided to give what he said a try.  I have a hard time setting aside the time to read 10 chapters at once but I can do 1 chapter in the morning, one at lunch, one at supper etc.  I was pleasantly surprised how peaceful I became after a stressful morning.  It works!  Reading one chapter of my bible helped me to refocus and I realized that what was bothering me wasn't really important in the grand scheme of things.

May I dare you to try this out?  It's helping me.  I know we are all busy, but he's worth more than anything in our lives-- isn't he?

Let me bless you now.  "I bless you with the ability to press in for more of God.  May you (and I) always have a hunger for his word and His presence.  May the zeal of the Lord consume us and may we seize the moments every day to obey and bring his Kingdom to the earth.  I declare you are blessed to be a blessing everywhere you go, in Jesus' name. Thank You Jesus that signs and wonders follow us as we obey your promptings today. Amen!"

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson