Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Follow Up to Three Days at the Mall

Initial table set up without candy dish & candies
Hello Saints.  I was just looking at the notes I made about the people that came to my table and the ones I visited in the mall. Saturday was the busiest by far. Whole families were stopping by my table.  It was amazing how God gave me words and/or pictures for all of them.  I figure about 100 people got words over the 3 sessions I was there.  Over thirty people got given the gospel message via the million dollar bill tract I was giving out and 5 people told me thanks for coming out and helping the people.  I saw about 10 people's jaws drop, stunned by what God gave me for them. Many other people confirmed the words I gave them.   Many wanted to know if all Christians could do this.  I replied to all of them, "All Christians can hear God's voice."

It was a really good investment in the community.  I was surprised to find out that over half the people that came to me had no idea that they could go to a charismatic church and get a word there from the Pastor or other ministry helper.  That is sad. We all need to get the word out about prophesy in the church being real and available today.

I heard myself telling some of the people, "You think I'm good.  You should see how detailed some of the other prophets are!" 

Many times I didn't have anything till the people asked me for a word.  Sometimes God would give me something as they asked, and sometimes it was like I saw the blockage in their lives that was hindering them from their destiny.   I wish I had had more time to process it all and figure out how to respond. All I could do was give them what the Lord gave me.  The Lord helped me with each person.  I was amazed at how the approach and delivery would change from person to person.  Truly, God was helping me.

I was really encouraged to hear Pastor Jim saying he wished he could have been out there with me.  Then Pastor Mark was saying how he'd like to see whole teams going out to do this, in the Sunday service!  That would be so awesome!  Then when one gets discouraged, the other can encourage them.

Anyhow,  that's my recap.  I am still praying for the people I spoke over.  Turns out that one of the ladies God gave me a word for is the wife of the fellow I used to work with.  How amazing is that?  God's so good!

Anyhow, let's pray. "I declare that you are blessed and highly favored.  The Lord's Spirit is mighty in prophesy and the Lord's spirit is working mightily in you!   Have a great day asking the Lord what to pray for people around you.  (That's how I started growing in the word of knowledge). Amen!"

1 comment:

hazelmay said...

Thanks for being faithful and willing to do this. I am still not confident in doing individual words of knowledge and yet I get dreams, visions and insights all the time. Nice for people to see that getting encouraging words for their lives doesn't have to mean getting fleeced in their already over-stretched wallets too. Earning a living is fine, but I find that when money is the goal rather than helping the people, well, the words get watered down or dont' work... most of those 'psychics' are only in in for the cash and they leave such a hopeless trail of confusion in their wake.