Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Horse Testimony

Here's a testimony from last week.  A friend was having problems with her horse that had foundered very badly last year, to the point that some thought it would be better to put the horse down.

Well thanks to God and a lot of persistent people the horse survived and was doing quiet well although it wasn't on grass.

I knew that God could heal the cause of the foundering because he did it in an old mare I bought, not knowing that she had foundered.  The farrier enlightened me when he trimmed her hooves the first time.  I looked up what foundering meant and realized what a chore if would be to try to keep this horse off of rich grass in the Spring.  So I asked the Lord to reverse the diagnosis and heal the cause of the foundering.

Well, every Spring thereafter I would remind this mare that she didn't have founder and that she was going to be just fine on grass.  Now I wasn't stupid.  I normally put them out for a couple of hours the first day or two then increase it to about 10 hours for a few days, then I let them out full time.

God answered and she was always fine with no swelling or discomfort.

Back to my girlfriend's horse.  She had been through this harrowing experience with her horse and didn't have the faith to believe that God could reverse the diagnosis.  I understood completely, so I volunteered to go pray for her horse in person.

I showed up on the day she asked me to come and no one was around.  The dogs were barking wildly, but nobody was up.  The Lord told me to go ahead and pray for the horse.  So I walked to the back paddock and all the horses tried  to greet me, except the one I wanted.

I shooed the others away and when I started to pray he walked away from me, time and time again.  I asked the Lord to break off any curses that had been spoken over him and immediately he settled down and let me scratch him.  What a character he was!  I asked the Lord what was up and he said that the horse wasn't used to seeing the Glory on people.  Hmmm..... that's something to think about.

Nothing significant happened that I can recall and I didn't get stopped by any suspicious people.  I went home and carried on with my daily routine.

I sent my girlfriend a text to let her know that I had been over in the morning and that she could start him on grass anytime.

I got a call the next morning and  she said,  "How could you have known that he was going to get out last night and eat grass ALL NIGHT LONG?"

I replied, "I didn't. I just did what God told me to do."

"Well,  he got out last night and was happily munching grass all night and he's fine. No swelling and he's not lame."

Was she every happy.... That was quite the testimony for those who know this horse and his history. 

Praise the Lord!  The only diagnosis that is permanent is the one you won't ask King Jesus about.

I bless you today! May you be challenged to let Jesus be Lord over all.  What he says goes.... that's the way to live. Amen."

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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