Well, I can't plead ignorance. He's told me before. I keep getting the word, "Don't complain about your brothers and sisters." (ref. James 4:11)
I never realized how easy it is to gripe about the kids that don't listen, or the hubby that is tuned out. It has been an awakening, that's for sure.
The Lord told me a simple solution. He said that if I wouldn't say it to Him in prayer then I better not speak it at all. Hmm, that's something to think about. Even if I feel justified I better not start.
So thank You Lord for a greater grip on my tongue. Set a watch over the door of my lips, Please. (ref. Psalm 141:3)
I was also reminded of Psalm 15. Since I want to dwell in His sanctuary and live on His Holy hill I better take note of the requirements...
Thank You Lord that there is no slander on my tongue. I want to be used by you.
Thank You that I do my neighbor no wrong and I don't cast slurs on my fellowman or woman. I hate a vile man but I honor those who fear the Lord.
Praise the Lord, I will never be shaken. (ref. Psalm 15:1-5)
Holy Spirit is so happy now. He really likes it when I share my bloopers with you all. May you be blessed and encouraged to know that with Him all things are possible. There is no condemnation in the Lord, just a process of becoming more and more like Him called sanctification. (ref. Rom, 8:1, 1Thess. 5:23) As we notice some areas of our life that need changing He will help us find a promise to cut out the bad and replace it with good. "Through His glory and goodness He has given us His great and precious promises so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. ( ref. 2Pet. 1:3-4)
I thank God that there is supernatural power in each promise from the Bible to bring itself to pass in our lives. (ref. Isaiah 55:11)
Therefore, since He promised me I would be a rickshaw for His Glory I want to obey all His promptings. I don't want anything to hinder the flow of Holy Spirit in my life. "Your words of love, grace, mercy and power flow through me all the time," is part of a song I wrote.
I'll keep singing it and renewing my mind with His word. It's a done deal with Holy Spirit!
Have a great weekend with HIM!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Choices at Home
Yet when I went to her house it was tidy and clean and ready for company. I was amazed! "Where do you get the time?" I thought. She doesn't stop until the evening when they watch tv as a family.
I was telling her about what I've been learning about the Lord and that's when the cat got let out of the bag. She admitted, "I haven't done a Bible study in years, really."
The alarm bells went off in my head. She has all these beautiful children in her house and her spiritual gas tank is empty. You cannot give what you don't have.
I remember an older friend telling me once in confidence that she wished she had spent more time in the Word when her children were young. She really valued a tidy house and her three children kept her busy. You know how it goes. She didn't see the value in investing in herself spiritually. Now it's too late. You can't go back in time.
I never forgot her words. I wonder what the Bible has to say to help us? Let's read a bit.
"Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. "But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:37-40
So the good part is to sit at Jesus' feet. Easy in theory, but how do we do this? I have 4 children, a husband, a farm and a full time job!
Priorities is the answer. I have to keep prioritizing my life and making hard decisions as the Lord leads. My house is not immaculate. It gets cleaned regularly, but on any given day it will look lived in. I want to get a wall hanging that says "The house was cleaned yesterday. Too bad you missed it." I will not be embarrassed or feel shame because of what other women say or think because they see some mess or dirt. If the Lord approves, who are they to say anything?
To help free up some time I have trained my children to help. We all do the laundry (does it ever end?) LOL. If someone is doing the dishes then another one will go feed the horses.
In addition, I rely on teaching cds. I play them in the kitchen when I am cooking, baking and cleaning up. I play them in the car and try to remember the scripture references, or I make notes at stop lights.
cd player is there! |
You probably won't believe it but I have a Bible in my bathroom. Sometimes life is very hectic! I make moments to be with the Lord and then I chew on a scripture verse while I am working.
Over the years the Lord has weeded out many hobbies and crafts from my life. It's all about choices. I can't remember when the last time was that I watched a whole movie. Many of the crafts I used to do I have given away.
He's worth it. He's worth it. One snapshot of Heaven, one miracle healing, one word of knowledge that turns a person's life around... it's worth it all.
So how did I start? One baby step at a time as the Lord led me. He'll lead you too. It might start out with a devotional in the morning then maybe a teaching cd on the way to work. He'll show you. He wants this for you more than you can ever know. I've been working on holiness for 20+ years, so don't compare yourself to me. Just begin where you are. I promise Holy Spirit will help you.
"Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud, And He shall hear my voice." Ps. 55:17 That's a good goal to have. Try to talk to the Lord and read the word, even one verse three times a day. Also, make sure you ask Him what He would like you to say or do. Have fun! Your life will never be the same!
Remember, embarrassment is a big one for us ladies. Many ladies don't want company if the house is not tidy enough because of fear of judgment. I have had it happen to me. I refuse to let anyone or anything dictate my life. If Holy Spirit approves, then I am not going to worry about people. If they judge me because the house isn't clean enough, too bad. It's their problem. I say, "Lord help them. They don't know what they are doing." Amen?
So many people have come to my place and been helped because there was good food around and my spiritual gas tank was full, so the gifts were flowing. When I started this journey I had no miracles, healing, or prophesy operating in my life. They came as I made choices and pressed into Jesus. Looking back at the decisions I have made, I can say they have been well worth while. I hope you are able to say the same thing down the road.
Let's pray. Thank You Lord for encouraging my friend. May they realize how You long for fellowship with them. Give them a hunger for Your word and for You and help them to make the right choices in their lives. Help them to pray in tongues more and thus build themselves up in their most Holy faith. (Jude 20). Amen! I decree that you are blessed and Highly favored by the greatest king of all, JESUS!
Monday, July 26, 2010
XPmedia.com - End Time Angels
XPmedia.com - End Time Angels
This is so cool. The Lord told me to live in Colossians about 6 weeks ago and Bobby mentioned in this video published two months ago that we should be in Colossians because there is Heavenly oil on it. The King of Glory is coming back and He wants to use us to display His glory.
After a mundane day of kids and farm this was just the encouragement I needed to hear. Thank You Lord!
This is so cool. The Lord told me to live in Colossians about 6 weeks ago and Bobby mentioned in this video published two months ago that we should be in Colossians because there is Heavenly oil on it. The King of Glory is coming back and He wants to use us to display His glory.
After a mundane day of kids and farm this was just the encouragement I needed to hear. Thank You Lord!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Eight Witnesses
Eight witnesses is all you need. For what you ask? To get somebody saved. Only eight on average according to our Baptist friends who have done studies.
There are many kinds of witnesses too, a friend or family member, a tract, a word of knowledge, a prophesy, a healing, a tv show, a movie, a book, a dream, a vision. God will use them all.
Our job is to be available and to develop our tool kit. That is where the local church really helps. Church is a good place to get equipped and prepared to take your tools outside the church. (It really helps when we wear our tool belt outside of church. LOL.)
I always carry tracts on me. I know that some people think they are out-dated, but if God is still using them, then I am going to use them. Besides, you never know when the spirit of stupid will hit you and you forget all the relevant scripture verses you know. It's happened to me. So I try to have tracts handy that will explain the gospel in a way that will minister to people.
Sometimes I'll have a bunch of different tracts in my hand and I'll ask as I go which tract for which car or person.
Anyhow, that's my blurb on tracts. There are really two keys I want to give you to have a fulfilling life.
The first big key I can give you is to be a living sacrifice. Every day that I offer myself to the Lord and ask Him to use me, He does. So ask Him to use your mouth and your hands, all of you to bless others today. (ref. Romans 12:1-2)
The second big key I can give you is-- don't be too busy. If you are not too busy then Holy Spirit can let you know who needs help. Sometimes He will highlight someone to you so you know to go talk to them. Sometimes a person will talk to you on their own initiative. As I am talking I am listening for Holy Spirit to direct my words. Many times Holy Spirit will reveal something and when I ask the person they are surprised. I reply something like, "Well God knows all about you and He wants you to know that He loves you, so He sent me your way." This will open them up to receive more. If they are hungry I will ask the Lord for more and share and ask questions.
I always try to let His compassion compel me to reach out and help those around me. Therefore, let's command fear to leave us now, because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. (ref. 2Tim 1:7) We might be the eighth witness after all!
The Bible talks about vessels that are for noble purposes and those that are only for regular purposes. (2Tim 2:20-21) I remember one day reading that and I cried out, "I just want to be Your favorite mug!" I want to be the one He reaches for first thing in the morning. May that be your cry too.
I bless you in Jesus' name. Go with God and have an exciting day!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
There are many kinds of witnesses too, a friend or family member, a tract, a word of knowledge, a prophesy, a healing, a tv show, a movie, a book, a dream, a vision. God will use them all.
Our job is to be available and to develop our tool kit. That is where the local church really helps. Church is a good place to get equipped and prepared to take your tools outside the church. (It really helps when we wear our tool belt outside of church. LOL.)
I always carry tracts on me. I know that some people think they are out-dated, but if God is still using them, then I am going to use them. Besides, you never know when the spirit of stupid will hit you and you forget all the relevant scripture verses you know. It's happened to me. So I try to have tracts handy that will explain the gospel in a way that will minister to people.
Sometimes I'll have a bunch of different tracts in my hand and I'll ask as I go which tract for which car or person.
Anyhow, that's my blurb on tracts. There are really two keys I want to give you to have a fulfilling life.
The first big key I can give you is to be a living sacrifice. Every day that I offer myself to the Lord and ask Him to use me, He does. So ask Him to use your mouth and your hands, all of you to bless others today. (ref. Romans 12:1-2)
The second big key I can give you is-- don't be too busy. If you are not too busy then Holy Spirit can let you know who needs help. Sometimes He will highlight someone to you so you know to go talk to them. Sometimes a person will talk to you on their own initiative. As I am talking I am listening for Holy Spirit to direct my words. Many times Holy Spirit will reveal something and when I ask the person they are surprised. I reply something like, "Well God knows all about you and He wants you to know that He loves you, so He sent me your way." This will open them up to receive more. If they are hungry I will ask the Lord for more and share and ask questions.
I always try to let His compassion compel me to reach out and help those around me. Therefore, let's command fear to leave us now, because God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. (ref. 2Tim 1:7) We might be the eighth witness after all!
The Bible talks about vessels that are for noble purposes and those that are only for regular purposes. (2Tim 2:20-21) I remember one day reading that and I cried out, "I just want to be Your favorite mug!" I want to be the one He reaches for first thing in the morning. May that be your cry too.
I bless you in Jesus' name. Go with God and have an exciting day!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
A Seance on My Road? No Way!
I found out last Monday that there was going to be a seance on my road on Tuesday evening. I prayed about it then forgot till Tuesday after supper. I started praying in my prayer language as I didn't know what to do then I asked Holy Spirit what He wanted me to do.
"Take communion," was what He said. After that I asked what was next and He said, "Don't eat anything else." So I said okay and got out of the kitchen.
I asked if He wanted me to go to this place and He said, "Yes."
I didn't know the exact address, just that it was a big blue house. So I told my family I was leaving and drove down my road. I was claiming that my road was a Holy Highway for the Lord (Is 35:8) and I broke off any and all witchcraft curses off my road and I applied the blood of Jesus to keep everyone safe.
I felt Holy Spirit nudge me as I drove by the house so I turned around and pulled over to the side. Just an ordinary big, green house with oversize windows facing me. It was very quiet outside considering there were 11 vehicles parked on the road and driveway and 4 way back beside an equipment shed. Normally, in the summer in Canada, everybody would be visiting outside, unless it was raining. I saw some candles lit in the window but no people came to the door or window. It was really strange. I felt like I was pushing back stuff, spiritually, with every step and I had the impression that something was not happy with me being there. LOL.
No one came out so I asked the Lord, "What's next?" He reminded me of a scripture that I had read that afternoon, " Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols (wonders) in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion. When men tell you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? " (Is.8:18-19) So I wrote that scripture reference on 11 business cards from our church and I put them on the windshields of the cars I could get to. I didn't go to the 4 vehicles way back on the property because some large dogs started barking fiercely.
The Lord told me to confound(mix up/confuse) the medium so he couldn't hear clearly and to decree that the people had all wasted their money. Isaiah 8:20 says that "it will do them no good" (Good News Version) so I thought that was appropriate. These 20 people had to pay $40.00 dollars each to have this guy come. What a waste of money! These people could have come to our church where there are a number of people who operate in the prophetic and get God's agenda for their lives -- free!
I was led to bless the owners of two vehicles, so I did and Holy Spirit said to put a business card in the mail box so they would know where to go for a real power encounter. Following is a picture of the business card.
I drove home and decreed that any spirit of back lash or retaliation that would try to attack me, my family or my church family was stopped and turned back to land on the perpetrators. I plead the blood of Jesus on my farm, our road and our church family. I also bound any spirit of freak accident, mischief or calamity that would try to attack anyone. Finally, I let some friends know by email what I had done so they could agree with me and cover me and the church in prayer as Holy Spirit led.
Nothing happened to us. My family and I slept in peace. I heard later the next day, from the lady that first alerted me, that only 2 people got any kind of word at all, and the rest said it was a waste of time. They were told by the medium that the dead mother didn't have anything to say. Ha! We know better! 26 people were there, so I was very happy that only two got something, maybe before I showed up and confounded the medium!
So there you have it. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. (1John 4:4) Christ is in you, the Hope of Glory! (Col.1:27)
Let's pray. Lord help my brother and sister to do even greater things as they walk with You, learning to trust and obey Your precious voice. Thank You for more grace as we step out of our boats. Amen!
A Physchic Fair Came to Town (written in 2000)
About a month ago a psychic fair came to town to the one mall we have. This really bothered me because this is one of my ministry grounds and I'm claiming souls for the kingdom there every time I go there. The fair started on Thursday and I didn't go to the mall that day but I was praying as I drove by. Thursday night the Holy Spirit started talking to me and the conviction that I had to do something about this situation became stronger and stronger.
Friday morning when I woke up I said "OK, I'll go but what can one person do?" The Lord told me to just go. So I did. But first I got my husbands approval then I called my prayer partner for some spiritual back up and I called the church to see if we had any tracks that I could hand out. I then put on a tee shirt with a Christian message, grabbed my bible and drove to the mall. I still didn't have a clue what I was going to do when I got there.
I got to the mall and asked the Lord "Okay, what next?" He just sort of nudged me to walk around the booth where the psychics were and to pray. This was ok for about fifteen minutes then the man there confronted me and asked me what I was doing. I told him "I'm praying for you and all the people here."
He left me alone for a little while then came back and told me he wanted me to leave. I asked "Why?" and he evaded the question. I had the witness in my heart that my spiritual warfare (2Cor.10:4-5) had been successful and he was frustrated. So I just kept walking around, praying and singing. As people left the booth I gave them tracks about salvation and hearing from God all the while praying that He would multiply the seed I had sown.
About 15 minutes later mall security came by and started threatening me that if I didn't leave they would call the police and have me put in jail. I asked "What for?" and they said that I was not allowed to distribute tracks with out the manager's permission. I asked if I could talk to the manager and they said he was out but that he would be back at two and talk to him then. I replied "Ok, I'll talk to him then."
I bought a drink and kept praying in English and in tongues as I walked around that booth. I was able to bind the spirit of divination operating in the man, that's why he got so upset. He was having a hard time reading his tarot cards. The lady was a different story. She had opened herself up to sorcery for such a long time that every time I bound the evil spirit in her another one would take it's place. I asked the Lord what was going on and He said she was like a channel for evil spirits. The prayer I got for her was ‘to confound her'. So I walked around asking the Lord to 'confound' her wondering, "What does confound mean?" (God has a real sense of humor). Anyhow, it worked. I found out later from someone I witnessed to that she was unable to do any detailed readings that weekend. (Confound means to bewilder or confuse, to perplex or mix up and it's actually in my KJV bible, Micah 3:7)
Because I was unable to stop people from making appointments to see the psychics I asked the Lord to take control of the readings so that the enemy could not influence these people. I know what it's like to be deceived so I just kept crying out to the Lord to have mercy on these people and to save them. Praise the Lord, He always hears our heart's cry.
I left for a while to get my kids because I figured if my teenager was shopping I had a perfectly legitimate reason to be in the mall. I also called another intercessor to get some more prayer support. When I got back to the mall my pastor happened by and was able to give me some words of wisdom to think about before I talked to mall management. Isn't God good? I was really encouraged to see how God looked after things. I was prepared to go to jail but I was hoping I wouldn't have too.
I was able to witness to five people that day and I handed out around twenty or more tracks. I just kept asking the Lord to multiply the seed sown. There were countless others ministered to as I sang and walked. The Lord kept bringing back various older songs and hymns to sing and I saw some people with tears in their eyes as I sang "Amazing Grace".
Mall management caught up with me again and I was able to ask them if I could rent a table the next year when the psychic fair was on again. The answer was a very encouraging yes, for free! and we shared about the Lord and His love for people. There was no mention made of the threat to call in the police at all!
I worked Friday night all night at my regular job and then I grabbed a few hours of sleep and headed back to the mall on Saturday. On my way there I was really attacked about how useless I would be and how little I would be able to do. My loud response was "It's not my problem. It's my job to be obedient to the Lord so get behind me satan!" Thankfully, that shut up All the what ‘if's' and ‘buts' in my head.
That day the Lord told me to sit down on the park bench close to the psychic booth and wait. So I did and He arranged for me to talk to numerous people. The Lord gave me words of encouragement, words of knowledge and words of wisdom for all of those precious people. He is so faithful. I was reminded of the scripture where the Lord says not to worry about what you are going to say because He'll give you the words to speak. (Matt. 10:19-20) He sure did!
People today are crying out for answers and one lady in particular was so stunned when I showed her my marked up bible and said "This is a record of God talking to me. Every highlight, every note is something He showed me or taught me. You too can have a bible like this one if you'll ask Jesus to be Lord of your life."
Another young lady shared how much it was going to cost her around $50.00 to see the psychic and I was able to share with her how much God loved her and how He longed to talk with her- for free. She didn't think God cared. I was able to share with her scripture verses to correct her thinking, plant the seeds of salvation and leave her a tract with our church number on it.
One man was all excited to go see the psychic because he had been waiting quite a while for one to come to town. I am so glad that Jesus is always available. Our God neither ‘slumbers nor sleeps' and "He hears the desire of the humble; He will prepare our hearts and cause our ears to hear Him. (Ps. 121:3 and Ps.10:17)
I shared with at least fifteen people and there were others who were just listening but not taking part in the conversation. I saw some people get up and leave only to find out later that I had spoken revelation knowledge into their lives that I had no way of knowing. I replied back to one lady who remarked on this "God knows her situation better than anybody!"
The people at the booth were not happy that I was there witnessing and testifying about the Lord but I'm still praying for Peter and Christina. You see, God loves them too. They know I'll be back next year and they know that the Christian God is the real God so we'll see if they show up.
God willing, I'll be there, with lots of back up support. Praise the Lord!
I pray this article encourages you to ask God what you can do in your neighborhood for Him. It's not about being the most important, or the most polished, all He needs is our willingness and obedience and we can make a huge difference for eternity. Bless you, in Jesus' Name!
Friday morning when I woke up I said "OK, I'll go but what can one person do?" The Lord told me to just go. So I did. But first I got my husbands approval then I called my prayer partner for some spiritual back up and I called the church to see if we had any tracks that I could hand out. I then put on a tee shirt with a Christian message, grabbed my bible and drove to the mall. I still didn't have a clue what I was going to do when I got there.
I got to the mall and asked the Lord "Okay, what next?" He just sort of nudged me to walk around the booth where the psychics were and to pray. This was ok for about fifteen minutes then the man there confronted me and asked me what I was doing. I told him "I'm praying for you and all the people here."
He left me alone for a little while then came back and told me he wanted me to leave. I asked "Why?" and he evaded the question. I had the witness in my heart that my spiritual warfare (2Cor.10:4-5) had been successful and he was frustrated. So I just kept walking around, praying and singing. As people left the booth I gave them tracks about salvation and hearing from God all the while praying that He would multiply the seed I had sown.
About 15 minutes later mall security came by and started threatening me that if I didn't leave they would call the police and have me put in jail. I asked "What for?" and they said that I was not allowed to distribute tracks with out the manager's permission. I asked if I could talk to the manager and they said he was out but that he would be back at two and talk to him then. I replied "Ok, I'll talk to him then."
I bought a drink and kept praying in English and in tongues as I walked around that booth. I was able to bind the spirit of divination operating in the man, that's why he got so upset. He was having a hard time reading his tarot cards. The lady was a different story. She had opened herself up to sorcery for such a long time that every time I bound the evil spirit in her another one would take it's place. I asked the Lord what was going on and He said she was like a channel for evil spirits. The prayer I got for her was ‘to confound her'. So I walked around asking the Lord to 'confound' her wondering, "What does confound mean?" (God has a real sense of humor). Anyhow, it worked. I found out later from someone I witnessed to that she was unable to do any detailed readings that weekend. (Confound means to bewilder or confuse, to perplex or mix up and it's actually in my KJV bible, Micah 3:7)
Because I was unable to stop people from making appointments to see the psychics I asked the Lord to take control of the readings so that the enemy could not influence these people. I know what it's like to be deceived so I just kept crying out to the Lord to have mercy on these people and to save them. Praise the Lord, He always hears our heart's cry.
I left for a while to get my kids because I figured if my teenager was shopping I had a perfectly legitimate reason to be in the mall. I also called another intercessor to get some more prayer support. When I got back to the mall my pastor happened by and was able to give me some words of wisdom to think about before I talked to mall management. Isn't God good? I was really encouraged to see how God looked after things. I was prepared to go to jail but I was hoping I wouldn't have too.
I was able to witness to five people that day and I handed out around twenty or more tracks. I just kept asking the Lord to multiply the seed sown. There were countless others ministered to as I sang and walked. The Lord kept bringing back various older songs and hymns to sing and I saw some people with tears in their eyes as I sang "Amazing Grace".
Mall management caught up with me again and I was able to ask them if I could rent a table the next year when the psychic fair was on again. The answer was a very encouraging yes, for free! and we shared about the Lord and His love for people. There was no mention made of the threat to call in the police at all!
I worked Friday night all night at my regular job and then I grabbed a few hours of sleep and headed back to the mall on Saturday. On my way there I was really attacked about how useless I would be and how little I would be able to do. My loud response was "It's not my problem. It's my job to be obedient to the Lord so get behind me satan!" Thankfully, that shut up All the what ‘if's' and ‘buts' in my head.
That day the Lord told me to sit down on the park bench close to the psychic booth and wait. So I did and He arranged for me to talk to numerous people. The Lord gave me words of encouragement, words of knowledge and words of wisdom for all of those precious people. He is so faithful. I was reminded of the scripture where the Lord says not to worry about what you are going to say because He'll give you the words to speak. (Matt. 10:19-20) He sure did!
People today are crying out for answers and one lady in particular was so stunned when I showed her my marked up bible and said "This is a record of God talking to me. Every highlight, every note is something He showed me or taught me. You too can have a bible like this one if you'll ask Jesus to be Lord of your life."
Another young lady shared how much it was going to cost her around $50.00 to see the psychic and I was able to share with her how much God loved her and how He longed to talk with her- for free. She didn't think God cared. I was able to share with her scripture verses to correct her thinking, plant the seeds of salvation and leave her a tract with our church number on it.
One man was all excited to go see the psychic because he had been waiting quite a while for one to come to town. I am so glad that Jesus is always available. Our God neither ‘slumbers nor sleeps' and "He hears the desire of the humble; He will prepare our hearts and cause our ears to hear Him. (Ps. 121:3 and Ps.10:17)
I shared with at least fifteen people and there were others who were just listening but not taking part in the conversation. I saw some people get up and leave only to find out later that I had spoken revelation knowledge into their lives that I had no way of knowing. I replied back to one lady who remarked on this "God knows her situation better than anybody!"
The people at the booth were not happy that I was there witnessing and testifying about the Lord but I'm still praying for Peter and Christina. You see, God loves them too. They know I'll be back next year and they know that the Christian God is the real God so we'll see if they show up.
God willing, I'll be there, with lots of back up support. Praise the Lord!
I pray this article encourages you to ask God what you can do in your neighborhood for Him. It's not about being the most important, or the most polished, all He needs is our willingness and obedience and we can make a huge difference for eternity. Bless you, in Jesus' Name!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Legs Growing Out!

Last Friday night we had a visiting speaker. He has grown in the gift of healing over the years and was with our congregation as a guest.
I was curious to hear him give a few testimonies and then ask if anyone had one leg shorter than the other that they knew about for sure.
Well, somebody did so he called them up and had them sit in a chair with their backs against the back of the chair. Then he had them put their feet on a chair facing them and he compared them so the congregation could see the difference in length.
What followed was nothing short of amazing. He called upon the whole congregation to stretch forth their hands and agree with him and he commanded the person's leg to grow out in the name of Jesus. He kept saying, "In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus." Nothing fancy at all, He just rebuked the condition and commanded the leg to grow out, in the name of Jesus.
The leg grew out before our eyes. The person that had received prayer just felt a tingling and then felt the heel of their shoe move on the chair. It even shocked them! (I love it!)
Well, after a couple of people's legs grew out and their pelvises were adjusted, we couldn't help noticing how people's pain left them too. It was a sight for sore eyes, let me tell you.
We got the kids upstairs so they could see it and they got to see the miracles from about 6 feet away. Amazingly enough, after about 4 or 5 people got prayed for the kids started to play again and they just expected people to get healed. It was supernaturally normal now.
During the prayer time for one person who wasn't receiving fast, I saw a huge silver sword in the spirit with the word "MERCY" blazing down the side of it. I asked the Lord what that was about and I saw myself using it to hack apart a dam. As soon as I did, the person's leg and back got healed really fast. The joy of the Lord hit me and I was giggling in the seats. Oh! Holy Spirit was so happy!
The service was still going on at 11 pm. Many people didn't want to go home. The presence of the Lord was all around and unbelievers got their first taste of God's glory.
My girlfriend who had never been at a healing service said that when she held her hand out to join in agreement with the others, that she felt like her hand was a burner on the stove. She was quite amazed at this so she put that arm down and lifted the other. Her other hand got the burner sensation on the outside half of it, so she concluded that this was indeed God.
I asked the Lord later about the sword and He told me that "His mercy always triumphs over judgment." (James 2:13) I believe the Lord gave me a huge key to break down the walls that hinder people from receiving God's mercy and goodness (healing, deliverance, salvation, answered prayer etc.) It's not about us being good enough to deserve it. It's all about His mercy.
Bless you, in the name of Jesus!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Disappointment Can't Stop You

Most people won't break out of the mold because of the fear of disappointment. I have realized that if I don't do anything, then nothing will change!
So what do we fear and why do we fear it?
Failure and disappointment might have a huge grip on us because of peer pressure growing up, criticism or past failures. We need to get honest with God and ask Him, "What is holding me back?"
Or maybe we have judged someone who stepped out and tried to do what we have dreamed about. This will definitely bring a curse on ourselves. Yes it's far easier to stay safe and criticize, but there's no testimony or victory there. (If that's you check for a root of bitterness.)
Everyone remembers Peter stepping out of the boat but nobody remembers who else was in the boat-- safe. I noticed that Jesus helped Peter continue when his faith wavered, while the other disciples sat. (Matt. 14:29-33)
If you have a dream to do something for God, then start where you are at. Don't let anything stop you from taking that first step. The fear of what people will say or do to you leads to bondage. (reference Proverbs 29:25) But, whoever puts their trust in the Lord will be safe.
We can't fear disappointment. I remember once the Lord told me that the Father's love and plans for us go on forever and ever. He's always got a back up plan for when we miss it trying to discern His directions. He's even got back up plans for when we willfully choose not to listen and pay the consequences. (LOL... that was me for a few years when I was young in the Lord.)
If we don't dare to try, we lose the experience and wisdom we could have learned along the way.
The average millionaire has failed many times before he/she hit the right combination of idea and business strategy. A friend that was in business used to say that before a business person becomes successful he/she will fail 3 times. 3 times! So what if no one every started? We wouldn't have any great inventions or patents. How boring would that be? I like disposable diapers, laptops and dvd players, thank you very much!
So I say let's get the failures over with! I want to do what God has prepared for me to do. There is no greater joy than being used by Holy Spirit to help someone.
The other day I was in the grocery store and I thought to myself, "Hmmm I haven't given a word to anyone today." About ten feet away was a young man stocking shelves so I asked the Lord to show me what to say and then I stopped. I looked back and asked him a question. "Are you saving for school?"
"No, he replied."
"You should be. I see so many talents in you. God says that..." and on I went.
That man will never forget me. I called out the gold I saw in him and hopefully steered him into a new direction in his life. Praise the Lord!
So what if he says, "Oh I'm not interested in God." So what? Everybody wants encouragement, Everybody. They'll go pay lots of money to psychics in the hopes of getting some help and direction. And God has much better plans for them than the devil!
So start where you are at. Ask the Lord what baby step you can take today. A journey starts with one step. It gets easier and easier after you start because you have momentum working for you.
Lord I bless the person reading this blog. May they realize that You are a super big God and You delight in our every attempt to follow Your voice and Your direction. I thank You so much for making your directions real to us. Show us what to say to people to bless them and encourage them. Thank You for joy in our journey with You and courage and boldness to make a difference for eternity. Amen.
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Saturday, July 10, 2010
How Big is Your Beach?

I think almost everybody loves a beach with lots of sand in the summer. The winters in Canada are so long that we dream of hot weather and beaches and spend lots of money going south on vacations.
Many years ago the Lord highlighted a verse in the bible to me that was about beaches. It goes like this, "If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea. Your (spiritual) descendants would have been like the numberless grains of sand (on a beach;) their name would never be cut off nor destroyed from before me." (ref. Isaiah 48:18-19 Brackets mine)
I didn't think much of it at that moment and Holy Spirit told me to read it again so I complied. I didn't understand what He wanted. He told me that if I would listen to and obey his commands then I would have tons of spiritual descendants. That got my attention!
So how big is my beach? Good question. If I am willing and obedient I will eat the good of the land, which includes all the promises He has made to me.
My family used to vacation around Lake Winnipeg and there are some beautiful, long beaches on that lake. So whenever my faith seems small, I think about how big one of those beaches is and I am in awe of how great our God is.
I don't know how He is going to save billions of people and that's okay. He is God and I am not. I just know that He is true and that He's exalted above all things His name and His word. (Psalm. 138:2) My part is to believe, to keep declaring the promise and then to thank Him for the answers.
I think our beach is as small or as big as we will believe for. Maybe the better question is, "Has His love touched me in such a way that I don't want anyone, absolutely anyone to miss out on His love?"
There are countless grains of sand on a beach. Truly He can do exceedingly above and beyond all that we can ask, think and hope for according to His word (power) that abides within us. (ref. Eph. 3:20 brackets mine)
Time for me to go look at some pictures of beaches so my faith can stretch a bit more.
If you want some of this then agree with me. Lord we want your dream for our life. Teach us how to recognize all the ways you communicate to us and how to respond with faith, knowing that you will never lead us where you have not already gone ahead of us and prepared a way for us. Thank you for your great Love for us, your belief in us and the power of your word in us. We give you all the glory now and forever. Amen!
Big hugs and many blessings,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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Gimli, Manitoba beach |
Friday, July 2, 2010
Success and Failure
I was just thinking about success and failure in life. So many young people are buying into the lie that there's no hope and are taking their lives.
I am hear to tell you that you matter and your life is not an accident. God knew you before you were even born and had dreams and plans for your life. (Ps.139)
We cannot fail in life unless we give up. God showed me many years ago that He always has a back up plan for when we mess up. All we have to do is cry out for help and follow His guidance as best we know how and He will get us through.
Not every thought that drops into your head is one that you should allow. There is a deceiver on the loose and he's mad at God and since he can't get back at God directly he attacks God's kids--us. When those negative, hopeless, worthless thoughts come into your head and you just can't get rid of them, remember all the good things that have happened in your life and speak about them out loud. Then call a friend and ask them for help.
If you are isolated and alone cry out to God for help and don't push people away when they try to get close to you next time. I know it's a natural thing to do when you are depressed, but we have to do things differently if we want to change. It's time to learn new, healthy habits to live by.
There is hope. God can help you change. What He has done for me He will do for you.
Let me pray for you and bless you now... Lord I ask You to reveal yourself to the person reading this article. Let them feel Your love, peace and hope today. Show them that You are a Mighty God and they can rest safe in Your arms. Thank You Lord for encouraging all the people reading this today. Thank You for revealing Your plans to them in a way they can receive. Thank You so much Lord for teaching them how to recognize the lies of the devil and to choose what they think and speak about. I bless them with Your presence Lord and a revelation of Your amazing love. I give You all the glory for what You are doing in these precious peoples lives. Amen.
I am hear to tell you that you matter and your life is not an accident. God knew you before you were even born and had dreams and plans for your life. (Ps.139)
We cannot fail in life unless we give up. God showed me many years ago that He always has a back up plan for when we mess up. All we have to do is cry out for help and follow His guidance as best we know how and He will get us through.
Not every thought that drops into your head is one that you should allow. There is a deceiver on the loose and he's mad at God and since he can't get back at God directly he attacks God's kids--us. When those negative, hopeless, worthless thoughts come into your head and you just can't get rid of them, remember all the good things that have happened in your life and speak about them out loud. Then call a friend and ask them for help.
If you are isolated and alone cry out to God for help and don't push people away when they try to get close to you next time. I know it's a natural thing to do when you are depressed, but we have to do things differently if we want to change. It's time to learn new, healthy habits to live by.
There is hope. God can help you change. What He has done for me He will do for you.
Let me pray for you and bless you now... Lord I ask You to reveal yourself to the person reading this article. Let them feel Your love, peace and hope today. Show them that You are a Mighty God and they can rest safe in Your arms. Thank You Lord for encouraging all the people reading this today. Thank You for revealing Your plans to them in a way they can receive. Thank You so much Lord for teaching them how to recognize the lies of the devil and to choose what they think and speak about. I bless them with Your presence Lord and a revelation of Your amazing love. I give You all the glory for what You are doing in these precious peoples lives. Amen.
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