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Have you ever had someone tell you that your hope was a pipe dream and to get with it? Well, I was surprised yesterday when someone told me this. I was sharing about how our church is hoping to one day be able to support house missionaries, to spread the revival fire across Canada and the States. Not a bad dream to have because it's a Kingdom motivated dream or hope.
It costs money to send people especially when they have to give up their work to do it, so we are stretching our faith, but that's okay. Faith needs something to work on because it's a muscle. Faith that can't be tested, can't be trusted.
Anyhow, I was told to throw away my pipe dream and get with reality. I didn't respond right away because I didn't want a fight and I'm trying to grow in the fruit of the spirit. A fool vents all his anger but a wise man holds it in, right? Right. (ref. Prov. 12:6)
I started thinking about all the things people have told me I would never do and all the dreams people, well meaning people have told me to give up on and I got excited.
I started shouting, "Thank God for pipe dreams!" Thank God for the wild dreams that He gives us because He is able to bring them to pass! I yelled, "Ha!" and it felt really good.
People told me I would never amount to anything, that I would always be a failure. I went on to get my Engineering degree, with good marks and I have had several careers along the way!
People told me that I wasn't a good mom and I almost believed it. Thank God the worker at the Children's Aid Society took the time to open my eyes to see that I was doing a fine job with my daughter-- before I gave her up for adoption.
People told me that I would be back within three months when I shared how God was leading me to move to Ottawa, Ontario. I was originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba which is about 2350 kms away. Ha! I want to tell you that I have been living in the Ottawa area for 23 years so far.
People told me to sell my horse-back riding saddle because with all the debt I had and being a single mom it was a pipe dream to think of owning horses again. I want to tell you that I have owned 15 horses over the last 17 years and I have a huge barn with foaling stalls and standing stalls, two run-in sheds, a round pen and a 1.5 acre riding ring on my property. God promises that if we seek him with all our hearts that he will give us the desires of our hearts. It's true! He did that an so much more than I could ever initially hope for!
People thought it was impossible for Canada to be covered with the Glory of God as the waters cover the sea, but we are seeing it grow and spread over the last 12 years thanks to groups like the Watchmen, ( http://www.watchmen.org/ )
So, my advice is laugh! I started laughing while I was working yesterday because I know how great my God is! I have received the spirit of adoption. I know I am not an orphan! My God loves me so much, he is not going to let me fall! He takes no delight in seeing his children beat up by the devil. He specializes in making the weak and foolish look super. Thank God we all qualify for his help.
Does anybody have any pipe dreams I can agree with you about in prayer? It's time we started speaking to our mountains and asking the Lord for strategies. Oh, and let's make sure we ask for joy in our daily journey with Holy Spirit. That's what he wants most of all-- our fellowship. I Bless you in Jesus' name; spiritually, mentally, physically, financially and relationally. Amen!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
(photo courtesy of photobucket.com)
P.S. A good song to start with is Steve Swanson's "Changing the Atmosphere". Here is a link to a youtube video of this song. Awesome declarations! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWqWauY0Nds&feature=related