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There are times when it's better to walk out of a room when a couple is about to start arguing so you don't get involved. No one likes to be corrected or embarrassed in front of somebody.
There are times when you would love to say something but you know it would not be received the best way, so it's best to be quiet.
The Lord once highlighted the Bible verse, "without holiness no one will see the Lord."(Heb. 12:14) As I pondered this verse and it's implications I heard the Lord whisper, "With greater and greater holiness, more and more people will see Me in you." Wow! That's a treasure to go after. Talk about putting a huge carrot in front of this girl's nose.
As I asked the Lord how to walk in more holiness He showed me that walking in the fruit of the Spirit is walking in Holiness.
So...that's my thought for the day.
I am so happy to say that it is working. I was helping at a wedding a few days ago and I wasn't doing anything in particular except taking pictures there. Later, two people commented to the bride about the aurora around me. They felt strangely drawn to me for no apparent reason.
I know what it was. It was Him shining through me. To God be all the glory! That really encouraged me to keep pressing on.
Let's pray: "Lord you have a special plan for the person reading this and I know you want them to know about it. Please show them what to work on today in this season of their lives and show them how you are using them today.
Thank You Lord for encouragement today. Thank You Lord that you will never leave us or forsake us. Thank You that Your word is always true and we bind ourselves to your precious word and all your promises. Thank You Lord for the supernatural power in your word to bring each promise to pass in our lives as we meditate on them and declare them over our situations. Thank You Lord that Your revelation light will dawn on every situation we face as we ask You for your wisdom. Thank You Lord for sweet fellowship with You today. Thank You Lord that we always want more of you. Thank You Lord for prompting us to pray in tongues more today and to sing more in tongues today. ( Acts. 15:32, Rom. 12:8, Heb. 13:5, John 17:17, 2Pet. 1:3-4, Ps. 112:4, Deut. 29:29 1John 1:3, 1 Cor. 14:18, Col. 3:16)
Thank You Lord for using us today... so much. Thank You Lord for making our lives so worth living. Thank You Lord for all the fruit our lives will bring You. Thank You Lord for redeeming all our mistakes and turning them into blessings for us. (2Pet. 1:4-8, Rom. 8:28)
You are blessed and highly favored by the greatest King of all, Jesus!