I was asked to go to the hospital by a friend to visit someone that was diagnosed with cancer months ago. I was really excited because a fellow that does healing meetings was going to visit at the same time.
My girlfriend and I had prayed for our friend together a couple of times and we thought she had received her healing, but the symptoms continued.
This was a new day and one of the first things the fellow told her was to put the past in the past. Good thought. As he started to talk about examples in the Bible, I started to weep because I felt Holy Spirit's presence manifest around us.
He prayed for her and I probably wasn't as quiet as I should have been because I was excited and wanted to agree with him. There is power in agreement! (ref. Matt. 18:19)
Afterwards, he shared how he knew, but he knew that she had received healing virtue and that if she would agree with God every part of her body would be healed, not just the cancers.
His praying was no different then our praying, Holy Spirit said, because the cancers would start to jump around whenever I prayed for her. We knew we were on to something. I think it was the persistence and the added faith of this fellow minister that helped.
Another thing that influenced her healing was that today her faith was excited. You see she had confirmed a prophetic word that she would be healed after nine months. Well today was the end of the ninth month.
I am sharing this with you so that you will be encouraged to keep praying for people and to keep laying hands on them. Just because they don't get healed the first couple of times is no reason that we should give up on them or get offended. We want to keep standing for them until such time that they receive the full manifestation of their healing and for many people this is a process.
Yes, it is humbling when they can't seem to get their healing through you, but it's a good thing to stay humble in your own sight. The humble know God really well, but the proud he knows from far away (ref. Psalm 138:6). I don't know about you but I want to stay in God's arms all my life.
I Bless you as you go today. I decree that healing and miracles flow through your hands in Jesus' name, by His Spirit that abides in you! Amen! (ref. 1John 2:27, Mark 16:14-20, 1John 4:17)
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
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