Sunday, October 30, 2011
Spirit and Truth
God is not looking for those who are fighting like there is no tomorrow. The Bible says that he is looking for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth. (ref. John 4:24)
So the next time you think you are getting God's attention by warring till you are tired... stand and rest with the promises you have spoken in the air waves around you and worship the Lord.
That is the real warfare! We labor to enter into his rest. (Heb. 4:10) We fight through our attitudes and hurts to focus on Him... as we praise him by choice -- by faith we are exalting him-- not our issues. After all, he is the only one that can change us and our situations.
That's the heart of praise and worship-- Him, not you. When we have a problem praising him or worshiping him it's because the focus is on us-- not on Him.
Thank You Lord for help to lay down all the stuff and problems that get in the way of our devotion to you. Thank You Lord for prompting us with a song to sing as we work today and let us bless your heart today. Let us be your hands and feet in the world today and please flow through us for your glory. Thank You Lord that we have your love shed abroad in our hearts and that we have sound minds that are not full of fear. (ref. Rom. 5:5, 2Tim. 1:7) Amen!
Bless you!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, October 24, 2011
Confessions for a Hospital Patient
Often when you are in the hospital, the drugs they give you make it difficult to focus on the Bible or to do any type of study. Here are some thankful confessions that I typed up to give the people I visit in the hospital. They are full of God's word and any believer can read them over the patient and both people will get blessed. There is power in agreement and we must always remember that healing starts in our spirits, so we want to keep our spirits strong by speaking the Bible's promises over ourselves.
As we meditate on God's promises all of a sudden they become a rhema or living word that is our sword of the spirit to use. (2 Cor. 10:3-5)
Also, you believe what you say over yourself more than you believe what others say... so it's very powerful to speak supernatural words over yourself. Every Bible promise has supernatural power in itself to bring it to pass in any believer's life, if they'll work it by speaking it and claiming it. This is one of the big keys to transforming your mind and any situation you face. (2Pet. 1:3-4, Rom. 12:2)
Finally, the reason I always start the confessions with "Thank You Jesus or Lord" is that thankfulness is one of the portals to God's presence and glory. It is often hard to play praise and worship music in the hospital-- but you can always be thankful!
Anyhow.... enjoy them and feel free to print them off to help someone else! Please hit the share button if you like this article!
Brenda Gale Thompson
(Photo courtesy of
_Thank you Lord that you sent your word and healed us and delivered us from all our destruction's.(Psalm 107:20)
-Thank You For so many angels protecting us this day. Thank You Lord that Your angels are lifting us up in their hands so we won't get hurt. (Psalm 91:11-12)
-Thank You Lord that God’s angels are listening to us speaking your words and they are getting all their testimonies today! (ref. Psalm 103:20)
-Thank You Lord that Pain goes in Jesus’ name and healing flows now. (1 Pet 2:24)
We decree that the trouble or affliction may not come back, in Jesus’ name. (Nahum 1:9) No more delay! (Rev. 10:6)
-PTL, we can beat every temptation with God’s word and Holy Spirit. Praise God we’re now aware of the triggers. You promised Lord that we would not be unaware of the devil’s schemes and we claim your revelations now. (2Cor. 2:11)
-Thank you Lord that every soul tie that allows the devil access to me has been broken, in Jesus’ name.
-Thank You Lord that every ordinance or legal argument that the devil has against us to attack us has been blotted out by the blood of Jesus. We claim bloodline cleansing on our mom and dad's bloodline in Jesus name all the way back to Adam and Eve. Hallelujah! (ref. Col. 2:15)
Thank You Lord that the blood of Jesus is over me, spirit soul and body-- protecting and renewing me. We shout covenant! Jesus took all our curses and gave us all his blessings! Hallelujah! (Gal. 3:13-14)
-Thank You Lord that we are teachable and that you are wakening us every morning to hear clearly. (Is. 50:4-5) Thank You Lord that we repent quickly when you show us something so we can live in constant liberty and healing!
Thank you Lord that turmoil and confusion go now! We do have the mind of Christ now!
Thank you Jesus that we have great memories and we build ourselves up in our most holy faith by praying in other tongues! (Jude 23)
Thank You Jesus that we are beautiful, smart, witty and wise and full of self-control. PTL!
Thank you Jesus that we have supporters around us forever. PTL! We can’t fail for winning or lose for succeeding. Hallelujah!
Thank You Lord that never once did we walk alone. Never once did you leave us!
You have been with us through it all, even carrying us when we didn’t think we could go on.
-Thank You for carrying us Lord. Thank You for such great love. Thank You for all the support you’ve given us. Thank You for dear friends and loved ones that care so much.
-Thank You for sunshine and rain and that we will fulfill all the plans you have for us. Thank You Lord for arming us with Your strength and power today! (2Sam. 22:33) Thank You Lord for your grace that is so powerful. Thank You for...
-Thank You Lord that we have God’s help to do all these tasks You have prepared for us to do.
-Thank you Lord that we are stronger than we realize! Holy Spirit is constantly adding to us.
Thank You Lord that we have favor with God, Favor with all leaders and favor with all people!
-Thank You Lord that by your stripes we were healed and my your wounds we were cleansed. (1Pet. 2:24, Is. 53:3-5)
-Thank You Lord Jesus that Your Grace is Enough for Us. It’s not about what we can do. Hallelujah!
-Thank You Lord that we believe we receive all the good things you have for us... now, not later! (Matt. 21:22)
-Thank You Lord that all our days are ordained by you and written in your book. (Ps. 139:16) The devil does not call the shots. God does. We break off every diagnosis that’s become a curse to us and exalt your truth in our situation. Your truth changes things. (ref. 2Cor. 4:18)
-Thank You Lord that we always overcome through Your power, (Holy Spirit) and we spread everywhere the fragrance of you. (2 Cor. 2: 14)
-Thank You Lord that we have the mind of Christ. (1Cor. 2:16)
Thank You Lord that the Heavens are open over us and that we are seated with you in Heavenly places. (Matt. 3:16, Eph. 2:6)
-Thank You Lord that we have bound the strongmen and the angels are bringing back all the stuff they stole; healing, provision, wisdom, breakthroughs, ministry, etc., etc. (Matt. 12:29, Ps. 149:8-9)
Thank You Lord that we do lay down in peace and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make us dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)
-Thank You Lord that, “No weapon forged against us will prevail, and we will refute every tongue that accuses us. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” (Is. 54:17)
-Thank You Lord that we have a clear mind and we easily receive from Holy Spirit. We command turmoil and confusion to go now! Side effects from all drugs and pain killers go now! (ref. Mark 16:18)
-Thank You Lord that the peace of Christ rules, guards and reigns in our hearts, now! (Phil. 4:7)
-Thank You Jesus that we have supernaturally expanded minds and we build ourselves up in our most holy faith by praying in other tongues! (Jude 23)
-Thank You Lord that we practice your love and it flushes out and casts out all fear. (1John 4:18)
Thank You Lord that we live/walk by faith and not by symptoms or feelings. (ref. 2Cor. 5:7)
-Thank You Lord that we call those things that be not as though they were. (Rom 4:17)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Life is not Fair!
Life is not fair! There's just no way around it. I can't find a verse to say that I'm justified in demanding justice from people.
We want to retaliate, to make them pay and that can be a problem if we focus on the wrong issue. We don't fight flesh and blood. We fight spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Eph. 6:10-18)
Yup..... that person that hurt you was a pawn in the enemy's hand.
We don't want to play into the enemy's hand by retaliating and hurting them back. We want to give it over to a higher court and let the true judge look after our situation. (ref. James 4:11-12) This is what forgiveness is. He has promised to repay.
The best thing we can do is bless them with a revelation of Jesus' love and that they would fulfill their God given destiny. Not fair! I know... but no matter what they did, they don't deserve hell. Hell was not designed for people. It's a jail for all the wicked spirits that rebelled against God.
Forgiving people works and the price for unforgiveness is too high. (ref. Matt. 18: 21-35) We forgive and bless so that we are like Jesus, who didn't trade insult for insult. (ref. Luke 6:22-23) We do it "without complaining or grumbling so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe." (Phil 2:14-15) That's a good reward for not complaining and grumbling.
Let's keep working on it. It gets easier and easier as we practice. God's glory will be released on us in greater measure because we chose to react the way Jesus did. He lived a life of love and we can too. (ref. Eph. 5:2) We choose to put away all evil speaking and malice and we choose to be kind to others, tender hearted, forgiving everyone even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven us. (ref. Eph. 4:31-32)
I bless you today. May you have his joy in your journey with him and may you hear his well done today. Amen!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
We want to retaliate, to make them pay and that can be a problem if we focus on the wrong issue. We don't fight flesh and blood. We fight spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Eph. 6:10-18)
Yup..... that person that hurt you was a pawn in the enemy's hand.
We don't want to play into the enemy's hand by retaliating and hurting them back. We want to give it over to a higher court and let the true judge look after our situation. (ref. James 4:11-12) This is what forgiveness is. He has promised to repay.
The best thing we can do is bless them with a revelation of Jesus' love and that they would fulfill their God given destiny. Not fair! I know... but no matter what they did, they don't deserve hell. Hell was not designed for people. It's a jail for all the wicked spirits that rebelled against God.
Forgiving people works and the price for unforgiveness is too high. (ref. Matt. 18: 21-35) We forgive and bless so that we are like Jesus, who didn't trade insult for insult. (ref. Luke 6:22-23) We do it "without complaining or grumbling so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe." (Phil 2:14-15) That's a good reward for not complaining and grumbling.
Let's keep working on it. It gets easier and easier as we practice. God's glory will be released on us in greater measure because we chose to react the way Jesus did. He lived a life of love and we can too. (ref. Eph. 5:2) We choose to put away all evil speaking and malice and we choose to be kind to others, tender hearted, forgiving everyone even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven us. (ref. Eph. 4:31-32)
I bless you today. May you have his joy in your journey with him and may you hear his well done today. Amen!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
The Glory is Available Now!
Did you know that God has given us all things already? "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that [pertain] unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:" (2Pet. 1:2-3) That means that the glory has been given to us already.
Is 60:1-2 says that the glory of the Lord has risen upon us. I know so many people that know this verse, but it's almost like they don't expect it to manifest in their lives till some far off day. I am hear to tell you that it's yours now! Don't put God off. Heaven is a place where we will spend eternity, the glory is the manifest presence of God in the earth now.
I am claiming it now too. "Thank you Jesus that your glory is seen on me now. Thank You Lord that your glory flows through my hands today. Thank You Lord that your glory manifests in my life today."
God has promised to meet all our needs according to his riches in glory so that's even more reason to want the glory of God in our lives. (Phil. 4:19)
Time in your secret place with God is the way to grow in God's presence and glory. I always bring some music, my song recorder, my Bible, notebook and pens and a tea or drink. I try to hide in my bedroom but sometimes if my hubby is sleeping I just sit in my kitchen. Then I ask Holy Spirit to lead and guide me.
Every time it's a little bit different. I use Psalm 100 as a baseline.... where we enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. I make sure to repent where Holy Spirit leads and make amends as he asks and I wash in the word of God figuratively speaking. (The fastest way to change is to get a promise from the word of God to help you reprogram your mind to react differently to the stimuli.)
You know I have gone back to look at old journals and the notes I have made in the secret place are still full of glory (anointing). I don't understand how but I can feel Holy Spirit all over me as I read them.
I try to spend time in my secret place every day. I heard that one lady has had the glory so thick that gold dust has fallen in her home. Amazing eh? I want more of God, which ever way he wants to show up is fine with me.
I have noticed that when I get too busy and don't spend time in my secret place that the glory level decreases... so I am trying to be more consistent. A famous Christian once said that "In consistency lies the power." There's lots of truth in that saying.
Prayer and fasting as Holy Spirit leads helps me to draw near and hear more clearly too, especially if there has been a lot of warfare going on. That's another tool to put in your tool belt.
People have told me that they can feel burning when I put a hand on them so I think it's working. PTL!
Let me pray for you now: "Lord we want more of you. Hear our heart's cry and help us to make time for you in our daily lives. We choose to die to so many other good things to pursue the best... You. Help us to hear your voice more clearly and love you more dearly, day by day. Thank you for our angels and we loose them now to help us in every way. We ask all this in Jesus' precious name, Amen!"
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, October 10, 2011
Garden Wall Vision
My Garden (not finished) |
I love it when Holy Spirit asks me that like he did Jeremiah (ref. Jer. 1:11) That is a ticket to exercise my faith and see what's going on in the spirit realm. Jesus made a way for us as born again Christians to enter the heavenlies. In fact the Bible says that we are seated there already (Eph. 2:6). Every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus has been given to us already so since Jesus could see things in the spirit so can we. (ref. Eph. 1:3, Acts. 10:34)
It's as simple as believing God's word and practicing God's presence. We do Psalm 100 where we enter God's gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. We go by the alter of sacrifice and ask forgiveness of our sins, then we move on to the bronze laver where we find the washing of the word. We do this until we feel the praise songs shift to worship songs. Then when we feel the atmosphere around us change we ask Holy Spirit what to do next. Holy Spirit will lead you to what to say, decree or see. He is our guide for all supernatural encounters.
This is why time alone with God is a precious commodity in our busy world. All the revelatory gifts like prophesy, words of knowledge and words of wisdom flow from the intimacy of knowing His voice really well... and that takes time. All relationships take time.
Anyhow, the last week I have seen this scene a number of times so I will share it to bless you. I saw the most beautiful scene. There was a low stone wall about 2.5 feet tall with big stones arched away from me. There were masses of flowers all around, magenta, fuchsia, blue, pink and the occasional lemon yellow flower. The foliage was various greens with no dead leaves in them, just more and more types of leaves. The colors were so brilliant that they felt like they had a metallic sheen to them.
On the top of the wall I could see where the stone was bare in two places, big enough for two people to sit down and take in the beautiful landscape around. The flowers behind would crowd me and bless me with their sweet perfume. The peace in this place was amazing.
The light on the scene was like nothing I've seen before. Everything was bathed with this golden light and it seemed to come from every living thing so I was hard pressed to see the shadows of the wall on the stone walkway for example.
What caught my eye next was a travel mug like the one I use down here for my tea. It was on the wall between the two seats and it had water vapor spiraling up from it so I knew there was something hot in it. Beside it was a huge ruby colored gem, almost as big as the bottom of my travel mug. I thought what are these things doing there?
Then I noticed a pile of gems on the ground between the two seats. They didn't fit in with this scene, yet I knew they were important. There were pearls, and many ruby-colored stones as well as various other stones that I didn't recognize. All of the gems were polished and faceted and looked like they were ready to be put into pieces of jewelry.
I asked the Lord what was up with this picture and He told me that this scene is one I have visited many times... when I stand in His presence. He always has refreshment ready for me and I can see where the rocks have flat tops so we can easily sit down and talk. The gems represent the nuggets of wisdom and glory that He has for me. Many times I forget to take the nugget back down with me to earth and that's why there is a pile of them on the ground.
I asked the Lord what to do the next time I visit because I was sad to see so many gems on the ground. He told me to release the glory I receive while visiting Heaven on the earth and to say out loud, "I believe I receive the gem of wisdom, provision, revelation," -- whatever Holy Spirit says it is.
Then he told me to raise my right hand grab the gem out of heaven and loose it on the earth with a downward motion. I'm not saying that you have to do the same. Let Holy Spirit guide you in all you do.
If this seems silly to you, I completely understand. I have been a Christian for almost 30 years and it took me almost 20 to get past my logical thinking, engineer's mind. Yet the bible says that the things that are seen are temporal, and the things unseen are eternal.(2Cor. 4:18) Chew on that fact for a while. The supernatural or spirit realm is more real than the physical one around us. I had to keep humbling myself under God's mighty hand and agreeing with the word of God, regardless of what my mind or circumstances said.
We practice this principal when we speak the solution and don't talk the problem. We call forth the things that be not, provision, revelation, etc., as though they are. (ref. Rom. 4:17)
Anyhow, I bless you with a hunger for the word of God. May you search out the scriptures to verify what I am saying. Throughout the scriptures you will see that many people had dreams and visions and that God guided his people with them.
I bless you with sanctified dreams and visions today/tonight. I plead the blood of Jesus over you and declare that any hindrance to you having dreams or visions is broken off. I declare that your imagination is cleansed by the blood of the lamb and that it is Holy Spirit's drawing board. I ask that Holy Spirit would guide you in what to watch and listen to, so that your conscience does not get seared again. May you fulfill all of God's plans for your life, in Jesus' name I ask. Amen!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Forgiveness is...
A wise man said, "Forgiveness is not saying that what they did is okay or somehow tolerable." You know how we somehow think that we are the weaker if we ask for forgiveness first. This is a wrong assumption. When you ask for forgiveness first or try to make the first move it means that you value the relationship more than the other person.
Somehow, we think that offering forgiveness is accepting what the person did. That's wrong too.
Forgiveness is deciding to turn it over to a higher court. It's giving the hurt, the situation to the true judge. "He said vengeance is mine, I will repay." (ref. Heb. 10:30)
This might seem powerless at first but trust me, I have seen the hurt that unforgiveness has caused people. In Mathew 18 we read about the unjust servant who would not extend forgiveness to someone who owed him a little bit of money and yet he had been forgiven a lifetime's earnings.
“Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Mat. 18:32-35)
We can see how important it is for us to walk in forgiveness by Jesus' response to the servant. He got handed over to the jailers to be tortured. Hopefully, he woke up and remembered the power of the blood of Jesus and repented! This is serious stuff! As a ministry worker, most of the time we have to deal with unforgiveness when we pray for people. It's the number one reason why Christians don't receive healing.
That's something to think about. How long do you want to have those headaches or arthritis for? How long do you want to suffer with fibro mialgia? Let the wake up bells ring loud and clear and let's make haste to forgive all the people we think we have a right to hold offense against.
That's the fastest way to walk in divine healing. Let's say it together, "Father, please forgive them. They know not what they do."
Thank You Lord that it's only by your grace and mercy that I am not doing ten times worse things than what they've done.
Thank You Lord that your love is poured out into our hearts by Holy Spirit.
Thank You Lord for the mercy and grace you have shown me in us in our lives. Thank You Lord that your love never fails. Thank you Lord that we choose to bless all the people that have hurt us. Don't let the devil win in anybody's life! Let us be your vessels of love and mercy to a hurting world, in Jesus' name we ask. Amen!
Now you're on the right track. We walk by faith and not by feelings. If you keep speaking the truth long enough eventually your feelings will change and line up with the Kingdom of God. That's reason to shout! Hallelujah!
Bless you real good!
Brenda Gale Thompson
Somehow, we think that offering forgiveness is accepting what the person did. That's wrong too.
Forgiveness is deciding to turn it over to a higher court. It's giving the hurt, the situation to the true judge. "He said vengeance is mine, I will repay." (ref. Heb. 10:30)
This might seem powerless at first but trust me, I have seen the hurt that unforgiveness has caused people. In Mathew 18 we read about the unjust servant who would not extend forgiveness to someone who owed him a little bit of money and yet he had been forgiven a lifetime's earnings.
“Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” (Mat. 18:32-35)
We can see how important it is for us to walk in forgiveness by Jesus' response to the servant. He got handed over to the jailers to be tortured. Hopefully, he woke up and remembered the power of the blood of Jesus and repented! This is serious stuff! As a ministry worker, most of the time we have to deal with unforgiveness when we pray for people. It's the number one reason why Christians don't receive healing.
That's something to think about. How long do you want to have those headaches or arthritis for? How long do you want to suffer with fibro mialgia? Let the wake up bells ring loud and clear and let's make haste to forgive all the people we think we have a right to hold offense against.
That's the fastest way to walk in divine healing. Let's say it together, "Father, please forgive them. They know not what they do."
Thank You Lord that it's only by your grace and mercy that I am not doing ten times worse things than what they've done.
Thank You Lord that your love is poured out into our hearts by Holy Spirit.
Thank You Lord for the mercy and grace you have shown me in us in our lives. Thank You Lord that your love never fails. Thank you Lord that we choose to bless all the people that have hurt us. Don't let the devil win in anybody's life! Let us be your vessels of love and mercy to a hurting world, in Jesus' name we ask. Amen!
Now you're on the right track. We walk by faith and not by feelings. If you keep speaking the truth long enough eventually your feelings will change and line up with the Kingdom of God. That's reason to shout! Hallelujah!
Bless you real good!
Brenda Gale Thompson
p.s. Please share is you like this article
Higher court,
Mathew 18,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Word and Spirit Balance
I had a great time on the weekend with a whole bunch of believers. Holy Spirit was moving and we all got blessed.
As great as the spiritual visions and revelations are I want to encourage all believers to develop a rock solid foundation in the word of God. You might ask why? It's because there is supernatural power in the word of God to bring itself to pass in a believer's life.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. "(1Pet. 1:3-4)
God wants us to walk like Jesus on the earth and this is the process. We behold him in the word and we see stuff in us that we don't like. Instead of saying "I'm not going to do that anymore" and then fall when stressed, we want to replace it with a new, good habit.
For example, let's say that I had a problem criticizing people and I realize that this is not pleasing to the Lord. Then I want to reprogram my mind to react differently to the stimulus. I can do this by decreeing God's word, "Thank you Lord that I am full of the fruit of the spirit. I am quick to hear, slow to speak and very slow to become angry or offended." This is how we transform our minds and it is a daily process. (ref. Gal 5:23, James 1:19)
"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. "(2Pet. 1:5-8)
As we add God's promises to our lives, they will root out bad habits and change us from the inside out. This is how we renew our minds. (ref. Rom. 12:1-2) This is how we become effective and productive in our knowledge of Jesus Christ, the anointed one and his anointing.
Another reason why we don't just want to live off of our visions, feelings or dreams is because the Lord didn't. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness he didn't respond to the devil with, "Well, I had this great vision saying that I was the son of God." No, he responded with, "It is written..." (Matt.4:4,6,10)
If Jesus resisted the devil this way then we should too.
Here are some confessions that I wrote in 2000. Feel free to use whichever ones will help you.
-Thank you Lord that no foul or polluting language comes out of my mouth but only speech that is good and beneficial to the spiritual progress of others that it may be a blessing and give grace to those who hear it. (ref. Eph. 4:29)
-Thank you Lord that we are developing an attitude of gratitude and it will raise our altitude.
-Thank you Lord that we don't offend anyone in speech, that we are becoming fully developed in character, able to control our whole bodies and to curb our entire nature. (James 3:2)
-Thank you Father that through Jesus I constantly and at all times offer up to you a sacrifice of praise. (Heb. 13:15)
Oh Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, Oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Ps. 19:14)
-Thank You Lord so much for putting a guard on my mouth and tongue so that I will be kept from troubles. (Prov. 21:23)
-Thank you Father that I can sow good seed into my life and into other people's lives. Please lead me by your spirit to pray and say the right words so we can reap a huge, wonderful harvest. In Jesus' name I ask for your glory Lord. (ref. Luke 6:38, Gal. 6:7,9)-Thank You Lord that it's only by your grace and mercy that I'm not doing 10x worse than ________________. (anyone else!!!)
-Thank You Lord that I stay humble. I don't want the pride of my heart to deceive me. (Obad. 1:3)
-Thank You Lord that You know the humble intimately, but the proud you know from far away. (ref. Ps. 138:6)
-Thank You Lord for the seeds in my life that will produce great blessings. Help me to hang on to your promises (imagine, meditate and mutter them) and to watch the seed grow in Jesus' name. (Zech. 4;10) -Thank you Lord that we do not slander/criticize or judge each other." (ref. James 4:11-12)
-Thank you Lord that we don't judge another man's servant. We pray blessings on them instead. (Rom. 14:4)
-Thank God for his mercy and grace!
-Thank God for his mercy and grace!
I bless you with more of his love. Thank you Jesus that your love is shed abroad in our hearts by Holy Spirit! (Rom. 5:5)
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Protecting A Service
Sometimes in services we have to deal with witches and witchcraft that has been sent against us. I'm going to give you a quick check list of things to be aware of and give you some ideas of what to pray. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, just some things that I have learned along the way.
When you walk into a service and feel restless ask the Lord what's going on. Don't assume it's you unless you have been struggling with something previously.
If you get the sense that the worship is going nowhere ask Holy Spirit what's going on. Many times the enemy will come in between services and lay down curses and try to put a fog over the building so that the people can't ascend in worship. John 4:23, 3John 2, Eph. 2:6, 10, Psalm 100:6, Jer. 1:10 are good scripture declarations.
If you notice that there is hurt or offense over petty things where you KNOW you have lots of love for these people, start asking the Lord questions. Psalm 119:165 is your defense. Because we love his word nothing can cause us to stumble or take offense. Also, we lay down our lives for the brethren, God's love is shed abroad in our hearts by Holy Spirit. Let not the pride of our hearts deceive us Lord. (1John 3:16, Rom 5:5, Obad. 1:3)
If you notice lots of distracting things going on ask Holy Spirit what to pray and then obey quickly. Sometimes it's a spirit wanting to disrupt the service and sometimes it's a legitimate need that requires help or assistance.
If you notice people falling asleep during the service it could be a spirit of stupor coming over the people so they don't receive the word of God. You can come against that in the spirit by praying for alertness, that Holy Spirit would wake them up, etc., etc. The words you declare have power especially when you use the word of God and plead the blood of Jesus.
If you ever see a leader, start to stumble while they are sharing, start praying in tongues. Sometimes a curse sent at a leader will bring confusion to the mind and they need support. Another thing that I have experienced is a physical attack where you are so tired and exhausted that you just want to go home. Prayer support is required because God has promised to arm us with His strength and power and to make our way perfect. (2Sam. 22:33)
The biggest thing I have learned over the years is to be alert. When I am too comfortable the enemy can sneak in and wreck havoc in a service. We must be alert and on guard. Our leaders, especially the speaker and worship team need our protection.
I hope this helps you to be more aware of how important you are in a service. God bless you as you grow into His likeness! (Rom. 8:29)
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
(photo courtesy of
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Baby Morph
The other day I gave a destiny word to a mom about her 10 week old baby in a store, at the cashier's spot. As I started speaking the 'word' the baby riveted his eyes on me. I saw his face morph for a 1/2 second to become an old man and I wondered how could this be? Then I heard the mom say that they call him the little old man because he acts so mature. I only had a second so I blessed her (the mom) and the cashier started talking to me about my purchases.
Weird eh? I didn't think anything of it at the time, but the little babies eyes kept coming back to me. It was eerie. When I was praying later, the Lord reminded me of the eyes and the morph and told me I should have done something about it.
Now I'm wondering what that 'something' is. After worshiping for a while, I bound the spirit in the baby... then asked the Lord what I should do. I didn't want the baby getting all upset at me casting that spirit out and then the mom associating the baby's behavior with the destiny word I shared today. So I commanded the spirit to leave quietly without a fuss. Then I claimed this little guy for the kingdom of God and I asked the Lord to raise up Godly witnesses in his life. I broke the power of spoken curses over this little baby because the parents didn't know better and I blessed them all, spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. After all, the power of blessing breaks and shatters every yoke.
This was definitely a learning experience and I am learning as I go. I will be more aware of what to do next time when I see a person's face 'morph' for a half second.
Let's pray... Thank you Lord for opening our eyes to the spirit realm. Thank you Lord for showing us what to do with the information you are revealing to us. Thank you Lord for joy in our journeys and lots of exciting testimonies about people getting set free and realizing that 'Jesus is Lord'. Father, we decree, "Your kingdom come and your will be done today in our lives. Let us be your living sacrifices and ambassadors today and live through us please." Amen!
Bless you as you go today.
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
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