Saturday, January 15, 2011

Expect the Unexpected

 This is a really interesting year.   The prophets have been saying to expect breakthroughs in our lives and I wasn't sure how that would pan out.

My girlfriend asked for prayer for her book writing assignment so we prayed and I went  on my merry way.  Then a vision the Lord gave me a number of years ago came back to me.  I was on a beach, a huge, white beach and there was a big chest on it, just like a treasure chest from a pirate movie. 

Holy Spirit told me to go open the chest.  I went over and opened it with a loud 'creak'.  In the chest were two books and Holy Spirit told me to pick them up.  I picked them up and the top one  said "Deliverance and Revival" by Brenda Gale Thompson. 

Imagine my surprise!  I had never, ever entertained the thought of writing a book and here in my treasure chest was a book I had written.

So I received this blessing from the Lord and asked Holy Spirit to show me how to write it.

Fast track over the next 3or 4 years, the Lord has been teaching me about demonic strongholds over areas, people groups and the church.  I have been learning in the trenches, literally. Talk about an exciting adventure. I am living the content of my book.

I was driving my bus yesterday and waiting at the high school for the students. I had been praying for my friend with her numerous papers that need writing and I asked the Lord, "What about me? How do I start writing?"

Just like that I got the outline of the book.  I grabbed a pen and scribbled it down as fast as I could on the first piece of paper I could find.  

Within 2 minutes I had the whole outline with key points broken down into bite size pieces.  I could hardly believe it!  You've got to understand, I never considered myself a writer.  I am an engineer and I have always loved math and sciences.  I think I got a C+ in grade 12 English.

I started a blog in obedience to the Lord... under much protest I must admit. Holy Spirit has helped me learn how to gather my thoughts and write them down in a readable format and I give him all the Glory for it.

If you had asked me a week ago about this I would have shrugged my shoulders and maybe said, "One day."

I'm here to tell you, expect the unexpected!  What He has done for me He will do for you.  God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34)

"I declare that you are blessed and highly favored and that you do perceive the plans and purposes that God has ordained for your life. Also, you now walk in a new ability to discern what to do, to move ahead in your destiny. In Jesus' name, Amen!"


hazelmay said...

Wow! What an exciting adventure! And I receive what you said at the end for me! It's always interesting to me when God takes people and demonstrates His ability in places that are not their natural ability. For me, that has been in administration. I still scatter things everywhere, but I had so little administrative ability before and He put me in a job as admin assistant. "Are you nuts, God?" Bwahahahahahaha! As for the writing, write write write! God wants His kids in media media media. I do have God-given talent for writing, honed over many years... He seems to be leaning me towards fiction writing as well as recording original music. I'm going with it... believe it or not... questioning Him all the way. My best friend wants to slap me for not seeing that I'm to just go go go with what He's given me, but the pressure coming from religious well-meaning folks can be horrendous. "Only glorify the Lord with your gifting. Only use it inside the church." Well, I'm using it inside the church, but God has asked me to go out and invade the world with it... not to compromise... but He has some plans for me in the Kingdom outside the church walls, for His purposes... I know not to run around drinking, partying and being a lunatic. Exciting times. God is stretching us all, isn't He? Go for it! This is so sweet. I'm excited for you! Can't wait to see what comes out of you. Isn't God fun??? He's an all out amusement park sometimes... scary rides, dips, turns, cotton candy... honestly. He impresses me at every turn.

Trudy said...

Brenda, earlier this evening I entered my facebook status as "I am learning to expect the unexpected ~ that we don't need to conceive, just be ready to receive". Now, I am reading your blog. Coincidence? I think not. It is truly amazing how messages of the Holy Spirit can be revealed to us.