Friends are so important, don't you think? I have a few good friends that I can call anytime and they will help me with emotional and spiritual support. It's so nice to know that you have people who believe in you.
My girlfriend wants me to write a book about how to make time to seek God. What a nice compliment! I am no pro, that's for sure, but I could probably fill a book with all my bloopers. I can't repeat a joke properly to save anything so I won't even try, but my friends laugh when I mention my daily antics with the job, kids and farm. I am so glad I don't have to try to be somebody I am not.
So, my thought for the day is pray for your friends and be yourself. God loves us so much for who we are and not for what we can do. Hallelujah! His love sets us free to be ourselves and all that He's dreamed for us.
I bless you with an open Heaven today. May you have His abiding presence with you today. May you comprehend all the good things He has laid up for you in Heavenly places and may you learn how to pull them down by faith. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hi there. It has been over 21 days since I started this endeavor to seek His face and has it been interesting. You never realize how many distractions there are until you decide to lay them all aside for the best thing.
On a good note, His presence around my life has been increasing. There have been many new songs, many new revelations and an ease I have found to staying in His presence while I work or look after my children and other responsibilities.
The Lord asked me to fast idle words a few weeks ago. That has been a little more difficult. I didn't realize how careful I have to be to think before I speak. This precludes mouthing off when upset of course. I am not done learning how to master my reactions in any and all circumstances.
I want to say emphatically that pursuing Jesus in your quiet place is so worth it! In fact an hour a day is not enough! I was just told by somebody on Friday that I am now going in a new direction. He had no idea that I was on a secret mission. How cool is that? Breakthroughs are abounding on the family front, for my friends and for those I pray for while on the ministry team at church. It has been a very good investment in time.
So that is why I am not posting much these days. I will have lots to catch up on... someday.
Bless you!
Big hugs and blessings in Jesus' name!
Brenda Gale
On a good note, His presence around my life has been increasing. There have been many new songs, many new revelations and an ease I have found to staying in His presence while I work or look after my children and other responsibilities.
The Lord asked me to fast idle words a few weeks ago. That has been a little more difficult. I didn't realize how careful I have to be to think before I speak. This precludes mouthing off when upset of course. I am not done learning how to master my reactions in any and all circumstances.
I want to say emphatically that pursuing Jesus in your quiet place is so worth it! In fact an hour a day is not enough! I was just told by somebody on Friday that I am now going in a new direction. He had no idea that I was on a secret mission. How cool is that? Breakthroughs are abounding on the family front, for my friends and for those I pray for while on the ministry team at church. It has been a very good investment in time.
So that is why I am not posting much these days. I will have lots to catch up on... someday.
Bless you!
Big hugs and blessings in Jesus' name!
Brenda Gale
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Remember When...
Remember when I treated your children like my own, when they came over.
Remember when my family helped you move and no one else would.
Remember when my daughter babysat your kids so you could work in the store.
Remember when I prayed for you, when you were sick and Jesus healed you.
Remember when I shared my food with you and you shared your food with me and we both laughed about it.
Remember that I am a friend, not an 'infidel' or something you have been taught to exterminate.
And lastly -- remember that I love you... friend.
"...And the greatest of these is 'love'", love which never, ever fails. (1Cor. 13:13, 8) I am claiming this family for the Kingdom of God. The kids love Veggie Tales and appreciate getting out of their tiny, two bedroom apartment and coming out to our farm. God is working in a great way. People of other faiths love getting dreams and visions so I have been praying for them to get some. LOL.
Hmmm, maybe I am wrong, but I have noticed that when they are in the minority they are great people. It is only when they are the majority that they start to try to force their religious laws on others.
We have the greatest weapons though. No religious spirit can stand against Love, Hallelujah! (2 Cor. 10:4-5, Eph 6: 10-20)
Bless you... in Jesus' Name!
Remember when my family helped you move and no one else would.
Remember when my daughter babysat your kids so you could work in the store.
Remember when I prayed for you, when you were sick and Jesus healed you.
Remember when I shared my food with you and you shared your food with me and we both laughed about it.
Remember that I am a friend, not an 'infidel' or something you have been taught to exterminate.
And lastly -- remember that I love you... friend.
"...And the greatest of these is 'love'", love which never, ever fails. (1Cor. 13:13, 8) I am claiming this family for the Kingdom of God. The kids love Veggie Tales and appreciate getting out of their tiny, two bedroom apartment and coming out to our farm. God is working in a great way. People of other faiths love getting dreams and visions so I have been praying for them to get some. LOL.
Hmmm, maybe I am wrong, but I have noticed that when they are in the minority they are great people. It is only when they are the majority that they start to try to force their religious laws on others.
We have the greatest weapons though. No religious spirit can stand against Love, Hallelujah! (2 Cor. 10:4-5, Eph 6: 10-20)
Bless you... in Jesus' Name!
Reality Bites
Reality bites for today.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2Cor. 5:21)
Our old nature is dead. Rom. 6,7
Wherever there is great love, there are great miracles.
We are seated with him in Heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6)
We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, the anointed one and His anointing. (ref. Eph 1:3)
The anointing we have received abides in us and will never leave. (1John 2:21-27)
For too long people have been trying to visit Heaven, or have a supernatural experience. That is like trying to get into a chair you are already seated in. Talk about a frustrating time. The reality is that we are already sitting in it! (ref. Eph. 2:6)
God inhabits the praises of His people. Therefore as I make the choice to make praise and thanksgiving a habit during my day the manifest presence of God which is Heaven starts to show up right here.
Repent for anything that might have caused you to sin and fall short of the glory of God. Plead the blood of Jesus and His glory will cover you again.
Did you get that? That's why God doesn't want us to sin. It causes us to fall short of the glory of God. He wants us in the glory. He's not trying to keep us out! He wants us to learn how to walk in the glory while we are doing our thing here on earth. We've prayed it so long, "Your kingdom (glory) come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
There is no time in the Glory. When God shows you something it's yours. Don't put off receiving it by saying, "One day I'll be Your minister" for example. Claim it now.
One time I saw a big treasure chest on a beach and I heard the Lord tell me to go open it. I opened it and there were gifts in it for me. So I started thanking God for my gift that I would receive. Wrong! Better to thank Him for the gifts He has given you now. There is no time in the glory so don't put off receiving anything Holy Spirit shows you. It might take you a while to get the revelation of who you are in the Spirit realm, so start now.
We have been made righteous. It's not about doing all the stuff to get clean. No where does the sacrifice have to clean itself before it can be used! That's the bosses job! In the same way when we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord it's his job to clean us up! (Ref. Rom. 12:1-2)
In Zech. 3: 1-7 we see that Joshua the high priest got a new garment as soon as he showed up. We do too as soon as we enter his presence with our praise and worship. Just receive it by faith!
Bless you as you start to walk by faith, believing that Your Heavenly Father wants supernatural experiences for you. He's no respector of persons. So put on the worship music and praise and thank Him for a while. Repent as He leads to restore your fellowship with Him and then ask Him what He wants to show you. Close Your eyes and see what He shows you in your imagination. Enjoy! You know by faith that if you ask for bread, your Heavenly father will not give you a fish. He is forever faithful!
You are blessed and highly favored!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. (2Cor. 5:21)
Our old nature is dead. Rom. 6,7
Wherever there is great love, there are great miracles.
We are seated with him in Heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6)
We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus, the anointed one and His anointing. (ref. Eph 1:3)
The anointing we have received abides in us and will never leave. (1John 2:21-27)
For too long people have been trying to visit Heaven, or have a supernatural experience. That is like trying to get into a chair you are already seated in. Talk about a frustrating time. The reality is that we are already sitting in it! (ref. Eph. 2:6)
God inhabits the praises of His people. Therefore as I make the choice to make praise and thanksgiving a habit during my day the manifest presence of God which is Heaven starts to show up right here.
Repent for anything that might have caused you to sin and fall short of the glory of God. Plead the blood of Jesus and His glory will cover you again.
Did you get that? That's why God doesn't want us to sin. It causes us to fall short of the glory of God. He wants us in the glory. He's not trying to keep us out! He wants us to learn how to walk in the glory while we are doing our thing here on earth. We've prayed it so long, "Your kingdom (glory) come, Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
There is no time in the Glory. When God shows you something it's yours. Don't put off receiving it by saying, "One day I'll be Your minister" for example. Claim it now.
One time I saw a big treasure chest on a beach and I heard the Lord tell me to go open it. I opened it and there were gifts in it for me. So I started thanking God for my gift that I would receive. Wrong! Better to thank Him for the gifts He has given you now. There is no time in the glory so don't put off receiving anything Holy Spirit shows you. It might take you a while to get the revelation of who you are in the Spirit realm, so start now.
We have been made righteous. It's not about doing all the stuff to get clean. No where does the sacrifice have to clean itself before it can be used! That's the bosses job! In the same way when we offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to the Lord it's his job to clean us up! (Ref. Rom. 12:1-2)
In Zech. 3: 1-7 we see that Joshua the high priest got a new garment as soon as he showed up. We do too as soon as we enter his presence with our praise and worship. Just receive it by faith!
Bless you as you start to walk by faith, believing that Your Heavenly Father wants supernatural experiences for you. He's no respector of persons. So put on the worship music and praise and thank Him for a while. Repent as He leads to restore your fellowship with Him and then ask Him what He wants to show you. Close Your eyes and see what He shows you in your imagination. Enjoy! You know by faith that if you ask for bread, your Heavenly father will not give you a fish. He is forever faithful!
You are blessed and highly favored!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, October 11, 2010
Idle Words Part 2
Hi there. I have been trying to fast, negative, doubtful, idle words the past few days and it's challenging at times. With God though, all things are possible. (ref. Mark 10:27)
I was reading in James, chapter 3:1-6 today and it says that the tongue;
-is a fire
-is a world of evil.
-it sets the whole course (destiny) of a person's life on fire (destroys it.) For example words like, "I'll never..., you always... )
-is set on fire by hell.
I'm going to turn this around to work for me by declaring:
-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is edifying my whole body, soul and spirit.
-My tongue is setting the course of my life to have Glory and Heaven right here, right now because I am already seated with him (Jesus) in Heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6)
- Thank You Lord that I am a Heavenly Being right here, right now, full of glory and signs and wonders.
-Thank You Lord that my tongue speaks words of blessing, encouragement, love, hope and destiny.
-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is on fire for God alone. (opposite of James 3:6)
That will help us immensely. We are the captains of our own lives you know. You believe what you say about yourself more than you believe what other people say about you. That's why it's so important to speak good things over yourself. You start speaking the Word of God, which is supernatural, over yourself and you will have a supernatural life. (ref. Is. 55:7-12, 2Pet.1:3-8) Every promise from God is infused with supernatural power that has the ability to change you, if you will put it to work. So work with God and don't let your boat sink!
Bless you, in Jesus' name!
I was reading in James, chapter 3:1-6 today and it says that the tongue;
-is a fire
-is a world of evil.
-it sets the whole course (destiny) of a person's life on fire (destroys it.) For example words like, "I'll never..., you always... )
-is set on fire by hell.
I'm going to turn this around to work for me by declaring:
-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is edifying my whole body, soul and spirit.
-My tongue is setting the course of my life to have Glory and Heaven right here, right now because I am already seated with him (Jesus) in Heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6)
- Thank You Lord that I am a Heavenly Being right here, right now, full of glory and signs and wonders.
-Thank You Lord that my tongue speaks words of blessing, encouragement, love, hope and destiny.
-Thank You Jesus that my tongue is on fire for God alone. (opposite of James 3:6)
That will help us immensely. We are the captains of our own lives you know. You believe what you say about yourself more than you believe what other people say about you. That's why it's so important to speak good things over yourself. You start speaking the Word of God, which is supernatural, over yourself and you will have a supernatural life. (ref. Is. 55:7-12, 2Pet.1:3-8) Every promise from God is infused with supernatural power that has the ability to change you, if you will put it to work. So work with God and don't let your boat sink!
Bless you, in Jesus' name!
Idle Words
A few days ago as I was talking to the Lord in the car, I got the song from the Lord, "I will fast and I will pray, that You'd touch our hearts afresh Lord..." so I asked the Lord if He wanted me to fast a bit.
"Yes, He replied, "from idle words."
Ok. That's harder than a food fast, but with Holy Spirit's help I can do this. No more idle, inactive, doubt filled words.
To help I've been building myself up in the Word. Here are some of the thankful confessions that I have used over the years:
Thank You Lord that I am quick to hear, slow to speak and very slow to get angry or offended. (James 1:19)
Thank You Lord that there is a huge guard on my mouth and tongue. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You Lord for setting a watch over the words of my mouth. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You that words of healing pour out of me.
Thank You Lord that the law of kindness is in my mouth. (Prov. 31:26)
Thank You Lord that only words of love, grace, mercy and power flow out of me.
Thank You Lord that I build myself up in my most Holy faith by praying in tongues more.(Jude 23)
Thank You Lord that I edify myself by singing psalms and hymms and by making melody in my heart to the Lord. (ref. Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19)
Thank You Lord that I think and speak about whatever is good, noble, praiseworthy, pure, lovely, encouraging and excellent. (ref. Phil 4:8)
Thank You Lord that I, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."(Eph. 4:29)
I am going to go over my scripture confessions every day to help build better habits. I have come a long way in the last few years and Holy Spirit is happy. Hallelujah! I believe we are going to see the Word of God become so powerful out of our mouths that miracles will happen before our eyes. To that end I press on, for the High calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Bless you as you pursue Him for more in Your life. May we always be hungry for more of You, Lord! Amen.
"Yes, He replied, "from idle words."
Ok. That's harder than a food fast, but with Holy Spirit's help I can do this. No more idle, inactive, doubt filled words.
To help I've been building myself up in the Word. Here are some of the thankful confessions that I have used over the years:
Thank You Lord that I am quick to hear, slow to speak and very slow to get angry or offended. (James 1:19)
Thank You Lord that there is a huge guard on my mouth and tongue. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You Lord for setting a watch over the words of my mouth. (ref. Ps. 141:3)
Thank You that words of healing pour out of me.
Thank You Lord that the law of kindness is in my mouth. (Prov. 31:26)
Thank You Lord that only words of love, grace, mercy and power flow out of me.
Thank You Lord that I build myself up in my most Holy faith by praying in tongues more.(Jude 23)
Thank You Lord that I edify myself by singing psalms and hymms and by making melody in my heart to the Lord. (ref. Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:19)
Thank You Lord that I think and speak about whatever is good, noble, praiseworthy, pure, lovely, encouraging and excellent. (ref. Phil 4:8)
Thank You Lord that I, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of my mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."(Eph. 4:29)
I am going to go over my scripture confessions every day to help build better habits. I have come a long way in the last few years and Holy Spirit is happy. Hallelujah! I believe we are going to see the Word of God become so powerful out of our mouths that miracles will happen before our eyes. To that end I press on, for the High calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Bless you as you pursue Him for more in Your life. May we always be hungry for more of You, Lord! Amen.
Seeking God Update
Well, it's two weeks today and it's getting easier and easier to set aside time to seek the Lord.
A couple of times the Lord's laughter bubbled up inside me even before I sat down in my room. Another time I got the "Wedding March" song as I walked up stairs.
I have the assurance that He is working while I wait on him (Is. 64:4) My house hasn't fallen apart either! LOL. I was a teensy bit concerned about that, I must admit. With three teenagers and all of us busy, it can get pretty chaotic around here.
So please be encouraged by my little testimony. It is always worth while to set aside time for Him. I can't go into all the breakthroughs I have seen so far because I want to protect people's privacy, but trust me-- it's worth it all. He's worth it all!
I was so encouraged to hear that the National House of Prayer ( is asking all Canadian Christians to pray and fast this month, on behalf of Canada. God's on the move! Revival come now, in Jesus' Name!
Let me bless you now: "Lord I decree that the person reading this article right now, is precious in Your sight and has a special destiny in You. May they know Your joy that passes understanding. Bless them as they try to put You first in their lives and make time to seek Your heart. Give them an oasis of Your presence in their homes like You've done for me. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen!"
A couple of times the Lord's laughter bubbled up inside me even before I sat down in my room. Another time I got the "Wedding March" song as I walked up stairs.
I have the assurance that He is working while I wait on him (Is. 64:4) My house hasn't fallen apart either! LOL. I was a teensy bit concerned about that, I must admit. With three teenagers and all of us busy, it can get pretty chaotic around here.
So please be encouraged by my little testimony. It is always worth while to set aside time for Him. I can't go into all the breakthroughs I have seen so far because I want to protect people's privacy, but trust me-- it's worth it all. He's worth it all!
I was so encouraged to hear that the National House of Prayer ( is asking all Canadian Christians to pray and fast this month, on behalf of Canada. God's on the move! Revival come now, in Jesus' Name!
Let me bless you now: "Lord I decree that the person reading this article right now, is precious in Your sight and has a special destiny in You. May they know Your joy that passes understanding. Bless them as they try to put You first in their lives and make time to seek Your heart. Give them an oasis of Your presence in their homes like You've done for me. In Jesus' name I ask. Amen!"
Work Ministry
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If I don't get any words of knowledge before lunch, I'll ask the Lord if I should go to the store to give out tracts or talk to someone in the lunch room. There's always something we can do. Then in the afternoon, I'll pray for the people that got tracts or that I talked to.
There's this prevailing attitude that work is work and ministry is ministry, however, I have noticed that the people around me are very quick to express their preference for music and say "Jesus" in a derogatory way. So, when I hear someone gasp because of pain I can't help but pray and rebuke the condition. Love compels me to do something.
You know, we must let love lead us and not be afraid of what people will say or do. Fear can paralyze us to the point where we are not effective at all.
The bottom line is that we must die daily. That is what it means to be a living sacrifice. We are His hands and feet and His blessing wherever we are. (Rom 12:1-2, Eph 2:10, Gal 3:13-14)
I can vouch for the fact that the Lord specializes in delivering power. You see, I once worked at a place where they loved it when I got words of knowledge about bad product on skids. It saved the company thousands of dollars in rework costs. I had the freedom to follow the Lord's leading and I can't tell you how many times I would show up at a production line just as something wrong was happening or had just happened.
The only thing is, they didn't want people getting saved. I was even told to leave my God at home by one supervisor. This guy had no idea what he was asking me to do.
Anyhow, the Lord fixed it all up, because this guy's mother got very sick with pancreatitis and I waited till the Lord said to go talk to him. Many weeks later, he was despairing because the doctors were going to put her into palliative care. I happened to ask him about his mother and he told me his tale of woe.
I asked him, "Do you mind if I pray for her now?" (They had no hope at all at this point.)
"No, not at all." was his response.
Can you guess what happened? She was home, healed within a week or two. She got her miracle and that supervisor now knows who the King of Kings is. It's Jesus!
God has always raised up supporters for me whenever persecution has come and if you ask Him, He'll do the same for you. So go be a witness for him. Don't let His precious blood be wasted another day. He died so that you could be endued with His miracle working power and be a light wherever you go. Go make Your Heavenly Daddy proud.
Let me bless you now. "Lord, show us how we can make a difference every day. We decree, that Your love is shed abroad in our hearts today and that we walk worthy of the calling to which You have called us. Thank You Lord that we walk in the anointing we have attained and we don't slip back. We expect divine appointments today and we are looking for Heavenly treasure everywhere we go. We walk in love, faith and boldness. Thank You that we always have supporters and Your wisdom to know how to answer people. Amen!" (Rom. 5:5, Eph. 4:1, Phil. 3:16, Eph 2:10, 2Cor. 5:18-20, Prov 28:1, 1Pet. 3:15, Acts, 4:21-33, Luke 21:11-19)
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale
Random Thoughts on Glory, Dust and Pursecution
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It's hard to sing lying down. Can you imagine how joyful this person was that it was erupting out of them in bed? It's hard to sleep after you have been praising the Lord. LOL. I love nights like that!
God's bestowing glory on us. I wonder what that looks like? Sometimes I can see sparkles in my eyes after I've been worshiping. Have you ever checked after you've been praising and worshiping? I want to be a sign and a wonder for Him.
I have to admit, I had a hard time with the glory dust at first. I had to keep asking God, "Is this You?" The Lord is very gracious and kept witnessing to me that yes it was Him. I was even more settled when I heard that Joshua and Janet Mills have been banned from 3 cleaners because of the glory dust. Apparently, it doesn't want to come off of their clothes and it has even spread to the furnishings of one dry cleaners. Talk about being a sign to the proprietors!
That clinched it for me because persecution always follows God's signs. I know I sure got my fair share of persecution when I was street preaching and doing destiny words on Sparks Street, Ottawa.
I guess the best thing to do is keep pressing in for God's heart and fight unbelief with the light we've been given. If it's God I want it all. I can't remember how many times I asked the Lord to make me a sign and a wonder because the people would try to ignore me or walk by when I was street preaching. They were not moved to action. We need to ask to be signs and wonders in our day. There are just too many distractions in this life and when reality hits them, it could be too late.
I have seen where a person's heart became hardened because they kept postponing the decision to open the door to Jesus. This fellow was in a hospital bed, in Palative care, next to the fellow God had sent me in to get out. The man I was sent to, (let's call him Joe) asked me if I could do something about his room mate because all he did was moan.
I went over to him as requested and saw a strong man, moaning and groaning in the bed, unable to communicate because he had had a stroke and part of his mind was gone. I didn't know what to do. It was so pathetic. (This was many years ago when I was just learning about authority and healing)
The Lord told me to sing, "Jesus loves you." I didn't even get half way through the first chorus and he had settled down. That poor man was being tormented. I had a flash vision of him putting off Jesus, over and over again and now he was being told it was too late. He was in a prison of his own, unresponsive flesh and mind, scarred by the strokes etc. that he had gone through.
I sang, "Amazing Grace" to him next and the whole room became quiet as God's presence permeated the atmosphere. I felt to speak grace over him so I did. I declared that it wasn't too late, that God hears the cry of the heart, especially when the body is in a prison.
That's another reason why I don't want to miss any opportunities. How many people around us are in prisons of their own minds or bodies? Selah (pause and think about it).
Thank You Lord for making us Your signs and wonders to help us get the good news out. Thank You for giving us boldness and wisdom to take advantage of every situation; to share the good news and to introduce the people to Jesus. We give you all the glory in advance. Amen!
palative care,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Quick Check List for Words of Knowledge
Hi Saints. I keep meeting Christians who are unaware of how words of knowledge work so I'm going to give you a power packed, in depth list to help you.
First of all, all of us have had a word of knowledge at some point in our lives. The problem is we didn't recognize it. You can feel it when you walk into a room where an argument is going on. The people might be quiet but you are picking up on the spiritual ambiance.
The second time is when there are people around you with colds, sneezing and coughing. All of a sudden your throat starts to get sore or you start to sniffle. Yes, that's a word of knowledge. It takes 24 to 48 hours for a cold virus to incubate in your body so why the instant sniffles? God wants you to pray for others. Freely you have received, freely give. (Matt. 10:8)
The biggest clue to recognizing a word of knowledge as it comes to your various senses, is that you didn't have it a few minutes ago. The best thing you can do is ask Holy Spirit, "Is this for me or for somebody else?" As you get better (with practice) at discerning the various words of knowledge around, you will be able to ask who is it for and the Lord will give you more details.
Keep praying in tongues and stay in thanksgiving and praise so that your spiritual gate will not be shut. We are the living gates of Psalm 24 after all.
You might get a different sensation for a particular sickness than I do and that's okay. Just keep asking Holy Spirit questions and realize that you are the Lord's hands and feet in this world right now. Rebuke the sickness, cast the spirit out into dry places, in Jesus' name and declare, "You are healed in Jesus' name," then claim them for the Kingdom of God. ( Job. 22:28, 1 Pet. 2:24, Luke 18:19, Matt. 12:43) Finally, remember it takes on average eight witnesses for a person to get saved. Your word of knowledge is an important part of God's effort to get them saved, healed and delivered.
So here's my list:
-Sniffles or an itchy nose = a cold virus.
-sore throat = sore throat from a cold or from singing, preaching too long.
-a pain under my right arm pit = cancer (to me) from when I fought off breast cancer curse in my early thirties.
-people with moving pain symptoms = spirit of infirmity. Loose angels to get rid of it.
-sudden desire for someone for no reason (visual, sensual) = spirit of lust
-Pin pricks on the top of my head = witchcraft. Break any and all curses (Is 54:17), using Psalm 149: especially verses 6-9) Loose angels to take them out.
-sudden sharp pain in my ear= somebody telling lies or an ear infection.
-Brain fog, sudden loss of words = curse or witchcraft, (Bind wicked king, Balak using Psalm 149 and your angels) This Happens a lot to street preachers and ministers. The enemy is trying to stop the anointed word from getting out.
-People dozing in the service = Spirit of religion. Decree that they are hungry for the Word and alert to receive. Can be a hot room or it's a spirit attacking, religion lethargy and complacency... especially if you notice that after you pray for some people, others in a different area of the church start to doze.
-Any sudden body pain = word of knowledge for somebody in the vicinity or it can be for a loved one. Ask the Lord questions to help you pin point it.
-Arguing, fighting = strife, spirit of contention and fighting.
-Cynicism, superiority, disdain = spirit of pride, criticism (leviathan spirit).
-People misunderstanding me or twisting what I say = spirit of leviathan. Loose your angels to take care of things. Decree that the plans of the enemy are confounded in your life. Decree that You walk in God's favor all the time, You are a blessing everywhere you go.
-Hypocritical people criticizing those who try to act on the Word.= religious spirit, Haman or Pharaoh are the strong men. Loose your angels and tell the enemy where he can go.
-Sharp pain in an eye= can be a physical word for someone or it can be a blinding spirit to keep you from revelation. Also, cockatrice spirit operates this way.
-Head ache pain = Can be physically caused but also, unforgiveness, bitterness, oppression or Jezebel spirit attacking. Keep a short account with the Lord. He wants you to stay in His presence and not to fall short of His glory. Also watch judgmental words spoken against leadership in particular.
-Sudden heaviness or negative thoughts when you were happy a minutes before = someone around you might be struggling with depression or oppression. Decree that sighing and sorrow must flee away. You have been given Joy in His presence, and your cup runs over. (Is. 35:10, John 15:11, Luke 10:21, Psalm 23:5) Claim that the Lord's oil of joy would overflow in your/their lives. (Is. 61:3)
-Sudden flash of blackness or hopeless feeling = spirit of suicide or a death curse. Break it and speak life over the person. Get their angels activated.
-Pain around my heart = heart problems most of the time but it's also been a spirit of death Holy Spirit wants me to rebuke. Also, get their angels going to help them out.
There are probably more words of knowledge that I have come across, but this will get you started. The most important thing I can advise you to do is stay humble. Ask the Lord what it is, who is it for and what He would like you to do with it. As you can tell... I am the Lord's question box and He's never, ever gotten upset with me for asking questions. What He's done for me He will do for you because He is no respecter or persons. (Acts 10:34)
Finally, make sure you bind any retaliation, backlash or transference of spirits after you pray for anybody. Keep your armor on (Eph 6), plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, practice speaking good words (Phil 4:8) and keep the praise coming out of your mouth. (Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16) That makes you pretty well invincible, Hallelujah!
I Bless you, in Jesus' name; physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. Lord, help this precious person to hear and recognize the words of knowledge around them and give them wisdom what to do with them. Give them the anointing You've given me, please. (If you were here I would lay my hands on you and impart to you, to accelerate your growth) I declare that you do have lots of joy in your journey with the Lord. Amen and Amen!
First of all, all of us have had a word of knowledge at some point in our lives. The problem is we didn't recognize it. You can feel it when you walk into a room where an argument is going on. The people might be quiet but you are picking up on the spiritual ambiance.
The second time is when there are people around you with colds, sneezing and coughing. All of a sudden your throat starts to get sore or you start to sniffle. Yes, that's a word of knowledge. It takes 24 to 48 hours for a cold virus to incubate in your body so why the instant sniffles? God wants you to pray for others. Freely you have received, freely give. (Matt. 10:8)
The biggest clue to recognizing a word of knowledge as it comes to your various senses, is that you didn't have it a few minutes ago. The best thing you can do is ask Holy Spirit, "Is this for me or for somebody else?" As you get better (with practice) at discerning the various words of knowledge around, you will be able to ask who is it for and the Lord will give you more details.
Keep praying in tongues and stay in thanksgiving and praise so that your spiritual gate will not be shut. We are the living gates of Psalm 24 after all.
You might get a different sensation for a particular sickness than I do and that's okay. Just keep asking Holy Spirit questions and realize that you are the Lord's hands and feet in this world right now. Rebuke the sickness, cast the spirit out into dry places, in Jesus' name and declare, "You are healed in Jesus' name," then claim them for the Kingdom of God. ( Job. 22:28, 1 Pet. 2:24, Luke 18:19, Matt. 12:43) Finally, remember it takes on average eight witnesses for a person to get saved. Your word of knowledge is an important part of God's effort to get them saved, healed and delivered.
So here's my list:
-Sniffles or an itchy nose = a cold virus.
-sore throat = sore throat from a cold or from singing, preaching too long.
-a pain under my right arm pit = cancer (to me) from when I fought off breast cancer curse in my early thirties.
-people with moving pain symptoms = spirit of infirmity. Loose angels to get rid of it.
-sudden desire for someone for no reason (visual, sensual) = spirit of lust
-Pin pricks on the top of my head = witchcraft. Break any and all curses (Is 54:17), using Psalm 149: especially verses 6-9) Loose angels to take them out.
-sudden sharp pain in my ear= somebody telling lies or an ear infection.
-Brain fog, sudden loss of words = curse or witchcraft, (Bind wicked king, Balak using Psalm 149 and your angels) This Happens a lot to street preachers and ministers. The enemy is trying to stop the anointed word from getting out.
-People dozing in the service = Spirit of religion. Decree that they are hungry for the Word and alert to receive. Can be a hot room or it's a spirit attacking, religion lethargy and complacency... especially if you notice that after you pray for some people, others in a different area of the church start to doze.
-Any sudden body pain = word of knowledge for somebody in the vicinity or it can be for a loved one. Ask the Lord questions to help you pin point it.
-Arguing, fighting = strife, spirit of contention and fighting.
-Cynicism, superiority, disdain = spirit of pride, criticism (leviathan spirit).
-People misunderstanding me or twisting what I say = spirit of leviathan. Loose your angels to take care of things. Decree that the plans of the enemy are confounded in your life. Decree that You walk in God's favor all the time, You are a blessing everywhere you go.
-Hypocritical people criticizing those who try to act on the Word.= religious spirit, Haman or Pharaoh are the strong men. Loose your angels and tell the enemy where he can go.
-Sharp pain in an eye= can be a physical word for someone or it can be a blinding spirit to keep you from revelation. Also, cockatrice spirit operates this way.
-Head ache pain = Can be physically caused but also, unforgiveness, bitterness, oppression or Jezebel spirit attacking. Keep a short account with the Lord. He wants you to stay in His presence and not to fall short of His glory. Also watch judgmental words spoken against leadership in particular.
-Sudden heaviness or negative thoughts when you were happy a minutes before = someone around you might be struggling with depression or oppression. Decree that sighing and sorrow must flee away. You have been given Joy in His presence, and your cup runs over. (Is. 35:10, John 15:11, Luke 10:21, Psalm 23:5) Claim that the Lord's oil of joy would overflow in your/their lives. (Is. 61:3)
-Sudden flash of blackness or hopeless feeling = spirit of suicide or a death curse. Break it and speak life over the person. Get their angels activated.
-Pain around my heart = heart problems most of the time but it's also been a spirit of death Holy Spirit wants me to rebuke. Also, get their angels going to help them out.
There are probably more words of knowledge that I have come across, but this will get you started. The most important thing I can advise you to do is stay humble. Ask the Lord what it is, who is it for and what He would like you to do with it. As you can tell... I am the Lord's question box and He's never, ever gotten upset with me for asking questions. What He's done for me He will do for you because He is no respecter or persons. (Acts 10:34)
Finally, make sure you bind any retaliation, backlash or transference of spirits after you pray for anybody. Keep your armor on (Eph 6), plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, practice speaking good words (Phil 4:8) and keep the praise coming out of your mouth. (Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16) That makes you pretty well invincible, Hallelujah!
I Bless you, in Jesus' name; physically, spiritually, mentally and financially. Lord, help this precious person to hear and recognize the words of knowledge around them and give them wisdom what to do with them. Give them the anointing You've given me, please. (If you were here I would lay my hands on you and impart to you, to accelerate your growth) I declare that you do have lots of joy in your journey with the Lord. Amen and Amen!
word of knowledge
Seeking God for an Awakening
Hi there..... It's come to me that there is a greater awakening needed in North America. Billye Brim mentioned this when she came to Ottawa last month and the Lord confirmed it to me. The veil of unbelief over our nations must be broken. Miracles, signs and wonders are happening all over the world and I want it here. Yes, there are a few hot spots, but largely the masses in North America have not been reached --yet.
God promised that in the last days we would have an outpouring that would be greater than the former. I am contending for it. (Joel 2:23) He's promised that the glory of the latter house would exceed the former house. ( Haggai 2:9) It's time Saints. If we don't go after the promise who will? The Lord is looking for those who will stand in the gap interceding for the nations. (Ex. 22:30)
The Lord told me one time that if I would spend an hour with Him everyday I would see breakthroughs like I never had before. It has worked before for me, so I am going back to what works. He has promised that He will work for those who wait on Him. (Is. 64:4)
So that means putting aside what is good to pursue the best. On that note, I won't be posting as much for a while. I have lots of good ideas to write about some day, but right now North America needs an awakening!
If you agree with me let's pray: "Lord help us to lay aside complacency and lethargy. Give us a passion to pursue You, faith to believe Your promises, discernment to know Your voice and grace and camaraderie with our family members. In Jesus' name we ask. Amen!"
God promised that in the last days we would have an outpouring that would be greater than the former. I am contending for it. (Joel 2:23) He's promised that the glory of the latter house would exceed the former house. ( Haggai 2:9) It's time Saints. If we don't go after the promise who will? The Lord is looking for those who will stand in the gap interceding for the nations. (Ex. 22:30)
The Lord told me one time that if I would spend an hour with Him everyday I would see breakthroughs like I never had before. It has worked before for me, so I am going back to what works. He has promised that He will work for those who wait on Him. (Is. 64:4)
So that means putting aside what is good to pursue the best. On that note, I won't be posting as much for a while. I have lots of good ideas to write about some day, but right now North America needs an awakening!
If you agree with me let's pray: "Lord help us to lay aside complacency and lethargy. Give us a passion to pursue You, faith to believe Your promises, discernment to know Your voice and grace and camaraderie with our family members. In Jesus' name we ask. Amen!"
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