Hi there. I love this Psalm. It took me a while to dig out the nuggets, but as I kept thinking about it and reading it, Holy Spirit highlighted some things.
I talk about verses 1-4 in the last post I wrote. The link is here... http://greatcommissionhow2s.blogspot.com/2010/09/you-cant-always-win-with-another-mans.html
Starting at verse 5, "
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars; the Lord breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. vs 6. He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox.
First point I want to make is that we are God's spokes-people right now. His voice is heard through us and as we consecrate our mouths to speak faith, trust and blessing, Holy Spirit will be able to add power to our words.
Cedars represent strongholds and the building blocks of fortresses in the Spirit realm. Also, we know that
we don't fight flesh and blood.(2Cor. 10:3-5) We fight spiritual battles with spiritual weapons. The cedars of Lebanon were so huge, they were considered the biggest and mightiest trees in the middle east. So we can conclude that even mighty strongholds will come down as we learn to speak what the Lord wants.
Let's re-coin this verse with the new background information we have.
"The Lord's voice (through us) breaks the strongholds of the people, The Lord, (through us) breaks in pieces the strongholds of the devil." That put's it into a new perspective, eh? The Lord is looking for us to use any victories we have gained over the devil to benefit other people.
Freely we have received, freely we give." (Matt. 10:8) Hang on, it gets better.
Vs. 6, "He makes Lebanon skip like a calf, Sirion like a young wild ox." The Lord told me that the enemy would take off like a calf and that the strongholds represented symbolically by the country of Syria would jump off the people like a young wild ox. Young , wild, oxen are fearsome, unpredictable creatures. You wouldn't want to be near them, or have to rely on them. I also believe that the Lord was showing me that there are territories that have strongholds over them and He wants us to perceive what's going on so we can take care of business for Him.
This applies to our territories. Recently, I asked the Lord what was over our town that I had not dealt with and He told me Absalom. I looked up Absalom, to refresh my memory and realized that he was the son that tried to steal the kingdom from his father David. He used cunning and deceit to turn the people's hearts away from David. He looked so good on the outside; did all the right things, said all the right things, but he was wicked, with a seditious mind inside.
So now I am praying the opposite for our town, decreeing that God will pick the people that will surround leaders and that they will be loyal and not split the church up. There have been enough church splits. I want to see family style churches, where we are all different but we've grown to love each other despite our differences.
Let's move on. Psalm 29:7 "
The voice of the Lord, (through us) strikes with flashes of Lightning. vs. 8, "the The voice of the Lord (through us) shakes the desert, the Lord (through us) shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
I really believe that in this time the Lord wants His voice through us to be so powerful that it looks like flashes of Lightning. John G. Lake prayed for the lightnings of God... maybe we should too. Another translation mentions 'forked lightning'. One day the Lord showed me that a believer's words at an aimed target were like forked lightning. Pretty awesome eh?
Deserts are dry places where we are supposed to send the devils to. (Luke 11:24) I really believe the Lord wants to use us to shake the devil's kingdoms.
I remember one time that we were trying to get some hay in and there were thunder storms coming at us. I spoke up and said, "NO WAY! Storms go around us!" I didn't think any more of it. Our hired help could not help but notice that the black thunder storm circled our property all afternoon.
Another time we had cut hay on the ground when thunder storms approached. I commanded it to stay away from my property. Later on we had sheet lightning on three sides of our property and it was quite the aerial display. I found out that our neighbors down the road had a flood in their basement that evening. At our place we only got a little bit of spray that blew in. It wasn't even enough to make the deck wet. That's my God! We baled the hay the next day to the amazement of all our neighbors. This in your inheritance too, as you learn who you are in Christ.
Now let's look at vs 9 from another translation. In the New American Standard we read, "The voice of the Lord makes the deer to calve, And strips the forests bare; And in His temple everything says, "Glory!"
I love it. Have you got any dead dreams that need reviving? Have you given up on anything in your life? Well God is saying here that His voice through us will make the deer to calve. I don't have any deer, but the Lord said that this is a comparison. His voice through us will bring dreams to pass! No more still-born dreams!
It's true, His voice through you will bring your dream to pass. And as you stand in your dream you will be able to help other people birth their dreams. Somebody shout! That's good news.
The next point from this verse was about 'stripping the forests bare' which to me means clear cutting to make a profit (in their times). So this phrase is talking about resources coming to us. His voice, through us causes the resources to come to us! No lack or famine allowed in His Kingdom. No wonder the people cried out, "Glory!" I would too!
This is one of the ways that the world will see His glory on us. As we walk in our dreams, with all our needs met, we are a huge billboard advertising that the Lord is good.
The final two verses are interesting. From the Amplified, vs.10 "The Lord sat as King over the deluge; the Lord (still) sits as King (and) forever! 11. The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; the Lord will bless His people with peace."
A couple of points: first the Lord sits as King (through us/through our words). We are bringing Heaven to Earth as we speak His will right now. This enthrones Him in the here and now.
Second, speaking to your mountains, daring to renew your mind to who you are in Christ will cause you to grow into a mighty warrior that no one will mess with. Your reputation will precede you. The final result will be peace because nothing wants to tangle with you.
So, mighty warrior, praise and worship till His presence is around you and then ask the Lord what to speak over your strongholds, your resources, your dreams, your family. Bring His kingdom into your life by aligning your mouth with Heaven. Then watch your enemies shudder when you wake up in the morning. Ha! I love it! Go with God and have fun. Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world. (1John 4:4) You rule and reign with Him (Jesus). (Rom. 5:17,19) Amen!
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson