Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Writing Your Personal Testimony

This is a very powerful tool and I exhort you to start writing yours.  After all, the "Testimony of Jesus and what He's done in your life is the spirit of Prophesy" (ref. Rev. 19:10).

We all have a testimony.   It doesn't have to be earth shattering to be valuable. How God lead you to the truth, is what we want to focus on. There are people that your testimony will reach that won't relate to mine at all.  Every testimony is valuable.

Some helpful pointers:

1. Keep it short and to the point.  Less than  500 words. You want to have  a beginning, key points in your process, the final results and then how the reader can get saved.

2.  Avoid  Christian lingo that unbelievers won't understand. 

3. Edit, edit and edit.  Get a friend to help you with that. 

4. Make sure you are clear about what they need to do to get saved.

5.  Leave them with an address, phone number or web site to get more information.

6. Use a card making program for your  layout.

When you want to hand them out you can use an opener like, "Here's my story. I hope you like it."
 I had great success giving this out at the University and at the Mall.  The personal touch really adds a lot to it.

 Now, I'm going to show you my first attempt at writing my testimony and then we can critique it together, okay? Here goes...

My Story... 

I was sick of living.  Tired of the parties, the drinking, all the games I played trying to forget my life. Nothing was changed the following morning. I was still the same, just more tired.  I’d been told so many times that I was 'a failure' that I had started believing it.  I didn’t know how to get out of the rut.  I was tired of running from myself and my past. I had no hope and I was really tired of all the mind-games people played.

I didn’t know much about God. I knew I was a sinner.  I lied, I sweared constantly,  I didn’t obey my parents and I was hurting so bad that I didn't care.

One night I tried to end it all with an overdose of drugs and a twenty-sixer of Vodka.  I blurted out, “If there’s a God, I really need to know.” Nothing happened so I kept drinking. Later, I noticed that every time I passed out something would jar me awake in my bed. 

I was all by myself in my little room. I knew that. I couldn't move on my own at all!  I was just waiting for the drugs and alcohol to do their work.  I got mad the second time it happened.  I thought to myself “Gees *@!!  I can’t even die right!” 

Then it dawned on me that I was being kept alive.  What a feeling! To all of a sudden discover that there is something out there, and that He cares about a failure like me. Peace like I’ve never felt before washed over me and I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning with no side effects at all. Amazing, as I had taken enough drugs to kill a horse, so to speak.  I had absolutely no idea what to do at this point.  I knew I should be dead. 

It took me a while to find that peace again...

He’s got a name. It’s Jesus.  I was always a keener and I started checking out things I had been told.  We were taught a lot of lies in school.

Over twenty years later and I’d never go back.  Yes, there have been some rough times, but He’s never left me. I went back to school and graduated. Then I got an engineering degree. I have four children now, when the doctors gave me no hope of ever having children.  Jesus--He’s my healer too.   He's Wisdom too. There’s so much wisdom in the Bible.  It’s helped turn around my self-talk and break the curses of the past.  Life is so worth living. When you have Jesus and He’s Lord of your life, you have a great destiny.

So where are you?

If I told you that you would eventually have to jump off an airplane, you’d want to be wearing a parachute, right? Just knowing that one existed won't help you.  In the same way, we are all going to die someday and the parachute is Jesus.  "There is no other name by which man can be saved" (John 14:6).  You don’t have to believe me. Check it out like I did.  No other religion ‘forgives sin.”

I hope you start asking questions too, and may you find Jesus, the Prince of Peace!

      God bless you, in Jesus’ Name!!


This was the first tract I did.  I had good success giving it to students at the university and to people at the malls.

If I were going to do it again I would include scripture.  I would change the part after
"So where are you?"  to something like...

If you died today do you know for certain that you would go to heaven or are you just hoping? I've got good news for you.  The bible says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess him with your mouth, You shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-10)  Just ask Jesus  to forgive all the things you've done wrong and come into your heart to stay.
 God Bless you!

If you've done that  or have any questions we want to hear from you.  Please contact us at the following address, phone number, church etc.

I hope this encourages you to work on your testimony.  We should always be able to share it with somebody verbally, whenever we have the opportunity, because it truly is a miracle. God will use it for His Glory to touch other lives.  Hallelujah!

Let me bless you now. "Lord I ask that you would help this reader to write out his/her testimony and that You would show them how to word it.   Help them  to memorize the important parts.  Help them to learn Your word so that they can share it with others and give them boldness to do this.  In Jesus' Name I ask. Amen!"

Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson

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