Thursday, December 30, 2010
The Heart Beat of the Sound of Heaven
We do hear the heart beat of Heaven if we have Holy Spirit in us.
We can see now. We can hear now and we can know God's heart now.
Glory is around us as we focus on Jesus, Heaven and what Holy Spirit wants to tell us. Hallelujah!
Angels are activated by our Spirit-filled words.
So enjoy the song and feel free to share it with others. I am convinced that we are so close to a huge awakening, it might only take one revelation for the right person and they will catch fire. I know I am signing up to be a 'keeper of the flame' or whatever else He might need. "No cost is to high to pay for You, my Lord" (another song from many years ago).
If you want some fire, agree with me... "Lord we want to be fire starters for you. We want to be the tinder You need, the wood You need and the coal You need. What ever the situation requires Lord, please use us. Don't pass us by. Let Your holy fire pour through our lives and bring glory to Yourself. Yes Lord, we want You to be glorified. We give You all the glory for what You are doing already and what You are going to do. Amen!"
I shout, "FIRE, FIRE, FIRE on you now, all over you now... and may you always be on fire for Him! Amen."
Monday, December 27, 2010
Football Analogies
There is no agreement with the enemy/opposing team... ever. (The devil comes only to steal, kill and destroy..." (ref. John. 10:10)).
On that note.... I am going to go pick up my daughter from work and think about all the ways I can help the Saints around me.
Have a great evening with Him!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Writing Your Personal Testimony
We all have a testimony. It doesn't have to be earth shattering to be valuable. How God lead you to the truth, is what we want to focus on. There are people that your testimony will reach that won't relate to mine at all. Every testimony is valuable.
Some helpful pointers:
1. Keep it short and to the point. Less than 500 words. You want to have a beginning, key points in your process, the final results and then how the reader can get saved.
2. Avoid Christian lingo that unbelievers won't understand.
3. Edit, edit and edit. Get a friend to help you with that.
4. Make sure you are clear about what they need to do to get saved.
5. Leave them with an address, phone number or web site to get more information.
6. Use a card making program for your layout.
When you want to hand them out you can use an opener like, "Here's my story. I hope you like it."
I had great success giving this out at the University and at the Mall. The personal touch really adds a lot to it.
Now, I'm going to show you my first attempt at writing my testimony and then we can critique it together, okay? Here goes...
My Story...
I was sick of living. Tired of the parties, the drinking, all the games I played trying to forget my life. Nothing was changed the following morning. I was still the same, just more tired. I’d been told so many times that I was 'a failure' that I had started believing it. I didn’t know how to get out of the rut. I was tired of running from myself and my past. I had no hope and I was really tired of all the mind-games people played.
I didn’t know much about God. I knew I was a sinner. I lied, I sweared constantly, I didn’t obey my parents and I was hurting so bad that I didn't care.
One night I tried to end it all with an overdose of drugs and a twenty-sixer of Vodka. I blurted out, “If there’s a God, I really need to know.” Nothing happened so I kept drinking. Later, I noticed that every time I passed out something would jar me awake in my bed.
I was all by myself in my little room. I knew that. I couldn't move on my own at all! I was just waiting for the drugs and alcohol to do their work. I got mad the second time it happened. I thought to myself “Gees *@!! I can’t even die right!”
Then it dawned on me that I was being kept alive. What a feeling! To all of a sudden discover that there is something out there, and that He cares about a failure like me. Peace like I’ve never felt before washed over me and I fell into a deep, deep sleep.
I woke up the next morning with no side effects at all. Amazing, as I had taken enough drugs to kill a horse, so to speak. I had absolutely no idea what to do at this point. I knew I should be dead.
It took me a while to find that peace again...
He’s got a name. It’s Jesus. I was always a keener and I started checking out things I had been told. We were taught a lot of lies in school.
Over twenty years later and I’d never go back. Yes, there have been some rough times, but He’s never left me. I went back to school and graduated. Then I got an engineering degree. I have four children now, when the doctors gave me no hope of ever having children. Jesus--He’s my healer too. He's Wisdom too. There’s so much wisdom in the Bible. It’s helped turn around my self-talk and break the curses of the past. Life is so worth living. When you have Jesus and He’s Lord of your life, you have a great destiny.
So where are you?
If I told you that you would eventually have to jump off an airplane, you’d want to be wearing a parachute, right? Just knowing that one existed won't help you. In the same way, we are all going to die someday and the parachute is Jesus. "There is no other name by which man can be saved" (John 14:6). You don’t have to believe me. Check it out like I did. No other religion ‘forgives sin.”
I hope you start asking questions too, and may you find Jesus, the Prince of Peace!
God bless you, in Jesus’ Name!!
This was the first tract I did. I had good success giving it to students at the university and to people at the malls.
If I were going to do it again I would include scripture. I would change the part after
"So where are you?" to something like...
If you died today do you know for certain that you would go to heaven or are you just hoping? I've got good news for you. The bible says that if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess him with your mouth, You shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-10) Just ask Jesus to forgive all the things you've done wrong and come into your heart to stay.
God Bless you!
If you've done that or have any questions we want to hear from you. Please contact us at the following address, phone number, church etc.
I hope this encourages you to work on your testimony. We should always be able to share it with somebody verbally, whenever we have the opportunity, because it truly is a miracle. God will use it for His Glory to touch other lives. Hallelujah!
Let me bless you now. "Lord I ask that you would help this reader to write out his/her testimony and that You would show them how to word it. Help them to memorize the important parts. Help them to learn Your word so that they can share it with others and give them boldness to do this. In Jesus' Name I ask. Amen!"
Big hugs,
Brenda Gale Thompson
Monday, December 20, 2010
Don't Quit!
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong,
as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging
seems uphill,
When the funds are low and
the debts are high,
and you want to smile,
but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must . . . but don’t you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt.
And you never can tell
how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight
when you’re hardest hit . . .
It’s when things go wrong
that you mustn’t quit.
There you go. Did you know that the stats say that it takes the average entrepreneur 3 bankruptcies before they hit the right combination of idea, marketing strategy and management style before they are successful?
Never mind how many inventors had to deal with failure after failure before they finally figured out how to make their inventions work.
I had six miscarriages, before I finally had my daughter Cassie. What would have happened if I had quit after the fifth miscarriage? The doctors told me there was nothing they could do for me. It caused me to turn to God more and then after the sixth miscarriage I learned that there was a promise in the Bible about God healing us. (Is. 53:5, 2Pet. 2:24)
Well, the rest is history as they say and I had three more healthy babies, with all the attributes and giftings the Lord directed me to pray into them. Plus I have prayed for countless others for healing since then. God turned the nightmare in my life into a huge blessing.
So, I can say 'don't quit" because God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for me, He will do for you. He loves you with an everlasting love, He really does.
I Stay Strong In The Lord
I'm going to share it here so it can help you too. Enjoy!
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." ( Gal. 6:9-10)
"But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit." (Jude 1:20)
God's Not Answering, Part 2
Sometimes when you feel that God is not answering it's because He wants you to ask detailed questions. As you ask Holy Spirit what's going on and follow His direction you will get more details about what is troubling you and He will lead you to victory. Then you will be better equipped to help other people in their time of need.
Also, sometimes it can be that the symptoms you are fighting are an illusion and God will tell you to rest and let Him work. That has happened to me when I felt the Lord telling me to declare that the cause of the symptom was healed.
There are times when it can be a word of knowledge for another person and they are having a hard time receiving the anointing because of doubt-filled words, a bad confession, frustration or unforgiveness. Then I will still have the symptoms as I pray God's mercy and grace to cancel out all their wrong words and frustration. As soon as they start to receive my symptoms leave. That is one of the ways that I know I have broken through for them.
Finally, there are times when you feel that God is not answering and it can be that you are going into a winter season of the soul. Things appear dead on the surface, but God is wanting to do a deep work in your heart to prepare you for the next season. I have learned to rejoice in the winter's of the soul because I know I am going to learn more and come out with some huge personal victories, as I cooperate with what the Lord wants to do in my life.
Be encouraged. He is watching over us better than we will ever realize.
Lord I ask that You would give the person reading this a revelation of Your constant care for them. May they sense Your presence afresh right now and may they delight in You. I ask for grace and trust to take You at Your word Lord, and for joy in their journey with You. Amen!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
God's Not Answering
I am hear to tell you not to give up. God only allows in His wisdom what He could easily prevent by His power. If you are not feeling His presence right now, it could be that you are moving into a new season of your life, where you walk by faith and not by sight (or sensation). This is quite normal in the Christian life and it's a sign of growth. You are getting rid of the diapers and moving into training pants.
You see, the only way you can personally please the Father is to walk by faith-- not sight (ref. Heb. 11:6). So that means you thank Him for touching you, even when you don't feel it, because you are convinced by the Bible's promises that God can't lie. If you ask Him to touch you, He is, whether you feel Him or not.
The same is true with regard to healing. I know some people who are upset because they still have some symptom or other and they have gone to many healing meetings. My heart goes out to them as I hear them express their frustration with God. "They've been healed before so why doesn't He do it now?" is the usual line I hear.
I don't have all the answers. I can share a bit from my own experience and I hope this will help you.
As we grow up, the Father wants us to grow in faith-- and faith is a muscle. We know that muscles that don't get used are not healthy and will eventually shrivel up. Therefore, we need obstacles to overcome for our faith to grow. We need to grow our faith and not rely on someone else's faith all the time.
Also, we can only give away with power the testimonies we have gained. Head knowledge doesn't cut it in the Kingdom of God. There's no 'umph!' with it.
I didn't have a preacher or a meeting that I could go to when I needed healing, so I went to the Word of God. I read the verse, that "by His stripes I was healed" and said, "That's mine." I knew that God can't lie and if He didn't want me to have that promise, He shouldn't have put it in His book. I already knew that He was no respecter of persons. (ref. Is. 53:5, Heb. 6:18, Acts 10:34)
Then I rested. I quit fretting and I let God be God. I stayed thankful and kept the praise and worship playing and tried to go on with my life as best as I could.
I was healed... It took me a while to realize it because it was progressive, like so many healings, but it started the moment I claimed it as mine and rested.
Our heads get us into so much trouble. We need to learn to take negative, doubt-filled thoughts captive and not speak them out loud. Negative talk has undone many a good healing confession.
Faith comes when you've planted the promise of God in your heart and meditated on it a while and it dawns on you. That's when you know you have the goods. Then you can pray and rest with a thankful heart.
Also, don't let circumstances or stress push you into messing up your faith-filled words. Many a healing has been lost by pressure. It's time to double up on the anointed word of God, not throw Your Bible on the shelf.
Then when you get to a healing meeting your faith will work with the ministry team person or preacher and not against them.
After you get a victory or two start giving away your victories by agreeing for healing for others when they go up for prayer.
Okay, enough said. Let me bless you now.
I declare that you are blessed, highly favored and passionate for God and His kingdom. May you plant the word of God deep in your heart and may it always bear fruit. May His word come back to your rememberance when you need it and may your life be full of blessing, in Jesus' name I ask. Amen!
Quieting Ourselves
Most of the time He speaks very gently to us, like a friend. If we are not paying attention we won't hear His voice above all the back ground noise in our lives. It takes practice to quiet our minds so we can hear His gentle whispers.
I was trying to quiet my mind one evening while I was worshiping on the piano and this song came. I thought it might encourage you to press in for more so I recorded it today. Enjoy!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Help for Stress
I was encouraging her to look at the bigger picture that each job is a stepping stone. For example this current job that she has, has allowed her the money and time to get her driver's license and pay off a car. Maybe the next job will be one that requires a car and now she is prepared for it.
I encouraged her to go home and do something new. Draw something, try a new recipe, do a new craft, something that will encourage her that she can learn new things and that change doesn't always have to be bad.
And above all, I told her, keep doing your daily devotions and reading your bible. There is so much hope and encouragement in the Bible. It's a wonderful way to keep your brain sharp. I love how many seniors there are at the prayer group I go to and their minds are so quick. I truly believe that there is supernatural power in the word of God to renew your youth and keep you young.
Christmas should be a time where we try to enjoy our families, whether blood or adopted. Since Roy and I got laid off again a week apart we are trying to do things that don't cost a lot of money. Making cookies and decorating them, playing music together, doing crafts together and even playing a board game together count for some really good memories.
I am going to post a song that the Lord gave me when I found out that I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. I didn't realize that the stress of being laid off before Christmas was bothering me until this happened. May this song help you like it's helped me!
Not bad eh? Amateur quality but the pictures sure are nice. Some good confessions to speak over yourself are:
"Thank You Lord that You give me a good night's sleep because You love me." (ref. Ps. 127:2)
"Thank You Lord that I lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." (ref. Psalm 4:8)
Thank You Lord that I can rejoice always! Thank You for showing me how. (ref. Phil 4:8).
I declare that You are Blessed and Highly Favored by the Greatest King of All!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I Won't Let Anything Stop Me
When I start to hum this song I know it's time to count the cost and make time to hear His voice. Without Jesus I am nothing. Without Jesus I can do nothing (1Cor. 13:2, John 15:5).
I bless you with a determination to seek His face at all cost.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sour Cream Sugar Cookies
Here's the recipe for them:
1/2 cup butter (melted)
3 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup dairy sour cream
1 egg
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp baking soda
dash of salt
In a large bowl combine butter and sugar and beat till mixed. Add the sour cream, vanilla and egg and beat again. Add in 2.5 cups flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt and mix it together with a spoon. If the dough is super wet and won't form a sticky ball add in the last 1/2 cup of flour. Mix and then refrigerate for a few hours.
The dough, when it is chilled, is quite hard and sticks to the bottom of the bowl (that's good). On a well floured surface, roll each half of the dough to 1/8-1/4 thickness (I aim for 1/4 inch thickness). Using cookie cutters, cut into desired shapes. With a spatula transfer the cookies to ungreased cookie sheets, placing them 1/2 inch apart.
Bake at 375 for 7-8 minutes, or till edges are firm and bottoms are very lightly browned. Remove and cool on wire racks.
1 1/2 cups icing/powdered sugar 1/2 tsp vanilla
Milk ~2 tablespoons Food Coloring if desired.
In a medium mixing bowl stir together the icing sugar, vanilla and enough milk (try 2 tablespoons) to make mixture of glazing consistency. Spread the top of each cooled cookie with some of the glaze. Put on the sprinkles you want. Allow to dry before storing (approximately 1 hour).
Merry Christmas and remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season!
Make A Way
It's time to make a way for the love of God. It's time to lay aside the busyness of life and all the good things and pursue the best thing, which is God. I'm preaching to myself now. LOL. I've got sugar cookies that need decorating and I'm supposed to go shopping in an hour.
Sound familiar? So, I am not going to make shortbread right now. It will have to wait. And I've got a teaching tape playing as I type this. I guess you can tell that I like to multi-task.
Have a great day with Him. Lord, help us to stay in touch with you during our day. Use us for Your Kingdom and I thank You in advance for divine orchestration of all our activities and meetings.
Bless YOU!
Friday, December 10, 2010
We Recover All!
Who hasn't had anything stolen from them? I mean this Christian life is not easy at times. There have been lots of times when I wondered if I was ever going to reap the harvest on the seed I had sown.
So I was really happy when I got some teaching about recovery at a Wagner Leadership Institute course.
I was reading a book titled "The Worship Warrior, Ascending in Worship Descending in War" by Chuck Pierce and with John Dickson and I got a song that goes with the text on Page 222.
May it bless you too!
Not bad eh? I was recording the song and I was thinking, "What's the chorus?" and then it came. You feel free to sing it anyway you want. It's a real head ache around here trying to get it quiet enough to record so I left it as it was.
Here's the text I based the song on:
"-Recover lost and broken relationships (see Jer. 29:14).
-Recover your prophetic call (see Ps. 105:19).
-Recover delayed promises (see 2 Cor. 1:20).
-Recover the spirit and gift of faith (see Rom. 1:17, Ps. 23:3).
-Recover the miracle of healing (see Jer. 30:17).
-Recover your spiritual stability ( see Mal. 3:10, Ps. 129:8).
-Recover your financial stability (see 1 Sam. 7:11-14, 2 Chron. 20:6).
-Recover joy (see Neh. 8:10).
-Recover wasted years (see Joel 2:25)
-Recover the lost sheep stolen from your pasture (see 1 Sam. 17:34-37; 30:20).
-Recover the blessings of God (see Deut. 28:1-4).
-Recover all (see 1 Sam. 30)."
"The Worship Warrior, Ascending in Worship Descending in War" by Chuck Pierce and with John Dickson, Published by Regal, page 222-223. ISBN-13: 978-0-8307-3056-8
Let me pray for you now: "Lord I ask that you would give the precious person reading this the faith to believe that You are on their side and that You want them to recover all. Show them how to posture themselves in praise and thanksgiving so nothing will stop people and angels from bringing the harvests in to them. Yes Lord, let their spiritual gates always be open to You in praise and adoration. We give you all the glory for what You have already started to do in their lives. Amen!" (see Heb. 11:6, Is. 60:11, Ps. 24:6-10, Ps. 100:4).
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Handling Disappointment
About two years ago the last thing I wanted to do was spend time in my room seeking God and waiting on Him. I was so disappointed at the way things turned out. You know how it is; your prayers didn't get answered the way you were expecting them to and you are left with an ache in your heart. And since God didn't do anything about it you feel, in some way, that He was willing for this to happen.
So I was avoiding my secret place, trying to keep busy and ignore the gnawing in my heart and emotions. This melody kept coming to me in 'tongues' and I got the interpretation. May it bless your heart and help to heal you too.
The devil knows that if he can get you offended at God, he's cut you off from your source of healing. It is only in God's presence that we are transformed from glory to glory. (2Cor. 3:18)
God has promised that He will cause all things to work together for our good, even the pain and suffering we go through.(Rom 8:37) It is said that if the devil knew what was going to happen to Jesus at the resurrection, he would never have allowed Jesus to die.
Therefore I want to encourage you to keep singing your pain to the Lord, but like David in the Psalms, end it off with a line or two of thanksgiving. He inhabits your praise, so that's the fastest way to get the supernatural help of God working on your stuff.
And remember, He allows in His wisdom what He could easily prevent by His power. He is making something beautiful out of your life!
The Eagles Are Moving Across Canada
Lord help us to discover what your plans for us are and give us the will and ability to fulfill them all, in Jesus' name we ask. Amen!
We Rule and Occupy the Gates
Psalm 24
The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
2 for he founded it on the seas
and established it on the waters.
3 Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD?
Who may stand in his holy place?
4 The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god.
5 They will receive blessing from the LORD
and vindication from God their Savior.
6 Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek your face, God of Jacob.
7 Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
8 Who is this King of glory?
The LORD strong and mighty,
the LORD mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, you gates;
lift them up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
10 Who is he, this King of glory?
The LORD Almighty—
he is the King of glory.
We, born again, spirit filled Christians are the living gates this psalm is talking about. We choose by our words what is allowed in or out of the spiritual atmosphere around us. As we determine to use our mouths to utter His praises, the gates are open for the Angels to minister. When we use our mouths to cut down, tear up and destroy we activate the devil's minions. The choice is ours. I don't know about you, but I choose LIFE!
As the Bible says, "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, [that] I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:" (Deut. 30:19) Also, Jesus said, " 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10) So the choice is ours. I don't know about you, but when I learned this I started doing some heavy duty repenting for all the bad words I had spoken. What a learning curve it is to speak words of life all the time! Thank God for grace and Holy Spirit's patient counsel. With out it we would all be sunk.
Anyhow, did you know that the Angels are happy when we start speaking words that make sense to them? They are waiting to hear God's words out of our mouths like it says in Psalm 103:20-21. Psalm 91 and the Lord's prayer are great places to start.
See my blog article
for more on angels.
Here's a song the Lord gave me to sing. I usually get it when the Lord wants me to take dominion over stuff. Enjoy!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Psalm 149
May it bless you!
Come And Sit with Me
Our days can get so busy that we forget to take time to be quiet and hear His voice. Then before you know it the day is gone and you've missed another opportunity to hear from Heaven. Before you know it the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months and you've forgotten what it was like to have Holy Spirit show up in your life.
I think Holy Spirit was trying to encourage me to seek Him.
Here's the little clip I did. Enjoy, and may you be encouraged to seek Him!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Computer Tech Day
The pocket recorder my husband got me for Christmas won't play on the PC. We've tried buying software on line, to decode it, with no success, so now I am trying to record the songs on my Mac with Garage Band.
It was taking so long that I thought, "Forget trying to do a full arrangement for each song." That really sped things up. I got about 20 done so far and I have a lot more to do.
You know what was the coolest thing? I was getting a system down to record these little songs and then transfer them over to Itunes and while I was doing it I started to get drunk in Holy Spirit! It was so cool. I was trying to be serious and my insides were feeling sloshed because He showed up!
Joshua Mills said that every new song releases a new level of Glory. Well I believe it. Since I've been spending time seeking Him every day I have been getting lots of new songs.
Guess what? Blogger does not allow me to upload audio files! No problem, I'll just learn another computer application today. LOL. Too funny.
So below is my very first slide video. I grabbed the wrong cut of the song and the video cuts out at the end but hey, it's a start. Enjoy, and keep praying for me,LOL!
"Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him." (Is. 64:4)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Go On The Offensive
You heard right. I go on the offensive. If I am having a spiritual battle then I go and deliberately bless people. If I am fighting on the financial front I go sow some extra seed and mess with the devil's kingdom. Smack him in the face with how good my God is. I sow in faith and pretend I'm the widow with the widow's mite. You cannot out give God. He will not be anyone's debtor.
Now that's not the only thing I do. I start to do double duty on the word of God and MAKE time to hear His voice. I also ask another intercessor to pray for me and see what they get. It pays big time to stay under spiritual authority.
For example, yesterday I was fighting offense and frustration which I don't normally fight so I was praying in tongues a lot and watching my mouth to make sure I was speaking words of life. My children wanted to go shopping at a big mall in Ottawa so I took them and stocked up on tracts before I left. I asked the Lord to give me boldness to give them out and to show me how and where. Well I handed out about 10 tracts to different people and left out another 30. Smack in the devil's face! People are getting touched and saved from the seed I sowed. I was able to pray for a man in a wheel chair and speak life and blessing over him. His mind and body are getting healed in Jesus' name!
I got home to a phone message from a dear friend. She called and was concerned about me as the Lord kept reminding her to pray for me. We prayed together and asked the Lord to show me what was going on.
About half an hour later I was deliberately praising the Lord when it dawned on me that this attack had started after I laid hands on a friend. I was getting all the stuff that was attacking her. Bingo! Now I knew how to fight.
I had a grand time praying for her and others and singing spontaneous songs to the Lord. Ha! He wins!
Going to bed I kept getting prodded and poked so I bound up the wicked king of witchcraft, Agag and the wicked king of curses, Balak using Psalm 149. I got a measure of victory but I was still getting bugged in bed. So I woke up my husband and I got him to agree with me that our whole family was getting a good night's sleep.(Prophesy the good you want) Then I started to pray out loud for whoever came to mind because I figured they were probably under attack. (It takes practice to discern who the word of knowledge is for. I should have asked right away instead of assuming the attack was against me.) That broke it all off and the Saints and Cdn. Government leaders were protected too. (te-he)
We woke up refreshed this morning, Praise the Lord! The word and the blood of Jesus work!
What I have learned I am giving to you freely because our time is short. God needs us to be on the offensive and stopping the enemy, period. The blood of Jesus and the name, "Jesus" are so powerful and they are our most important weapons. The other things to be aware of are the the power of your covenant with your spouse- it's very dynamic, and the power of singing a new song. All through the Psalms we read "sing a new song". I believe that there is a direct correlation between singing a new song and the victories we will have.
There you have it. I have given you some hard won nuggets that work in the trenches. Now you climb on my shoulders and reach for the stars. God is waiting for us to make all His enemies His footstool. (Heb. 10:13) Let's get the job done so that the whole world will know who the Great God is and then go home.
Bless you with His joy--which is your strength, tenacity, perseverance and His grace to ask questions and believe you receive answers. Amen!
NOTHING Can Stop You
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My girlfriend came under attack when she got involved looking after a little boy who's mother and grandmother were occultists. Well, let me tell you, it's been a learning experience.
God allows in His wisdom what He could easily prevent by His power. We know that as truth. All creation awaits the revealing the sons and daughters of God that it might be delivered from it's bondage. So it behooves us to grow up in faithfulness so that we can steward more of Heaven's resources. (Rom. 8:21, Matt. 25:21-23)
I want to say that we are childlike in our faith and innocent in regard to evil. (ref. 1Cor. 14:20) Also, we are growing in the fruit of self-control because Holy Spirit has been saying that we need to speak to our mornings every day and not be wishy-washy about it anymore. (ref. Gal. 5:22-23 Job. 22:28)
These are days where discipline is required if we want to move ahead. No soldier decides day by day if he is going to be a soldier. While he is enlisted he is there- no deliberations allowed. The same should be true of us.
Also, Holy Spirit says I have to get better at throwing out faith bombs at the enemy's camp... before there is an attack. I am willing to live by the fruit of my lips (with lots of grace). I ask Holy Spirit to show me quickly where I might have said wrong words and then I repent quickly and speak words of life. I am growing in this and so can you!
My Bible says, "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. " (Matt. 5: 44-45).
Only fools would try to curse a son or daughter of the Living God so I ask the Lord to have mercy on them, because they do not realize what they are doing. They don't realize that "NO undeserved curse will land on the righteous." (Proverbs 26:2). Even if you don't think you are righteous at this moment, Jesus took all your curse so you could have all His righteousness (Gal. 3:13)
Therefore, since we don't fight flesh and blood, we bless them many times what they have dealt out. You see, blessing them declares God's sovereignty over their lives and puts coals on their heads, figuratively (Prov. 25:22). And then we confound every plan of the enemy directed towards our lives or the lives of those we pray for. Ha! That's how to take dominion and enforce our victory. (Gen. 1:26, Heb. 10:13)
The good news is that my girlfriend and her family are protected now and God is turning the situation around for good. However, it appears that some intercessors have fallen back, probably because they came under attack. It's important that we pray for each other as intercessors. We are so important. We are the back bone of the Kingdom of God! Nothing happens without prayer--nothing!
Holy Spirit told me to "Sing my future in the morning." Imagine, I will be singing a new song (which He loves) and prophetically decreeing what I have now, all at the same time (Ps. 149:1, Job 22:28-30). Sounds like a winning combination to me.
I learned from Joshua Mills that every new song brings a new realm of glory with it. Hallelujah!
So here goes. Let me share what I have learned over the years.
To get comfortable singing the new song over yourself, take something that the Lord has been asking you to work on, for example; patience, strength, joy or peace and sing that you have it in any familiar melody you know. The melody can be "Three blind mice", or "Jesus' loves me". Give it a try and sing the same line till you have it figured out then sing a slightly different line for a while. It will bless your heart I'm telling you!
That is how it starts. As you get better, you will get different melodies and you might even get bridges or verses to go with your choruses.
Here is one chorus I got a few days ago.
"My job is to praise You, yea my job is to praise You.
I don't look at the natural, I look in the Spirit,
'cause my job is to praise You."
Have fun. I decree that no weapon formed against you prospers, In Jesus' Name and every tongue that has risen up against you in judgment is condemned, now! I speak life to you physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. I call in blessings from Heaven over you and speak to Heaven's angels to guard and keep you in all your ways. I ask the Lord to go ahead of you and prepare the way for you today that you might walk worthy of the calling He has given you.
-I declare that you walk in His favor today with all people and that you have His joy and peace in your journey. I decree an open Heaven around you today and an ease in conversing with Holy Spirit today and boldness to give away what you have freely received.
- I decree that the blood of Jesus is a shield around you and your family protecting you from every curse and that you are growing in faithfulness to the Lord. We give you all the glory Lord for what you are doing! Amen.